Leibnitz – theory of Monad

G.W. Leibniz’s Monadology (1714) is a very concise and condensed presentation of his theory that the universe consists of an infinite number of substances called monads. Leibniz discusses the nature of monadic perception and consciousness, the principles which govern truth and reason, and the relation of the monadic universe to God. Leibniz defines a monad as a … Read more

Wild Life Management System

Wild Life Management System Limitations to Hunting Legal issues related to hunting are addressed in other parts, such as those on regulation of hunting, on licences and on ownership of wildlife. This section is limited to aspects which are not addressed elsewhere. Among the most common protection rules are those which set out prohibitions applicable … Read more

Photo electric effect

The photoelectric effect The photoelectric effect is the emission, or ejection, of electrons from the surface of, generally, a metal in response to incident light.A material that can exhibit The photoelectric effect is said to be photoemissive, and the ejected electrons are called photoelectrons. The process was discovered by Heinrich Hertz in 1887. Attempts to … Read more

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