What do you understand by ‘Faag’?

Points to Remember: The term “Faag” is a deeply offensive slur. Understanding its origins and impact is crucial to combating homophobia. There is no positive interpretation of this word. Introduction: The term “Faag” is a derogatory and homophobic slur used to insult and demean individuals perceived as gay or effeminate. It carries a long history … Read more

What do you mean by Scheduled Caste?

Points to Remember: Legal definition and historical context of Scheduled Castes. Social and economic realities faced by Scheduled Castes. Constitutional safeguards and affirmative action policies. Ongoing challenges and the need for continued efforts. Introduction: The term “Scheduled Caste” (SC) refers to a group of castes in India that have historically faced social discrimination and oppression. … Read more

Write the names of hunter and food gatherer tribes of Chhattisgarh and discuss their gathering tradition.

Points to Remember: Names of hunter-gatherer tribes in Chhattisgarh. Description of their gathering traditions. Emphasis on the cultural and ecological significance of gathering. Introduction: Chhattisgarh, a state in central India, is home to several indigenous communities who traditionally practiced hunting and gathering. These tribes, often referred to as “Adivasis,” have a rich cultural heritage deeply … Read more

Write the names of tribal groups of Chhattisgarh who practice primitive forms of cultivation along with hunting and food gathering.

Points to Remember: Identify Chhattisgarh’s tribal groups. Focus on those practicing primitive cultivation, hunting, and gathering. Provide accurate names, avoiding generalizations. Introduction: Chhattisgarh, a state in central India, is home to a diverse population of tribal communities. Many of these groups retain traditional lifestyles characterized by a combination of shifting cultivation (also known as slash-and-burn … Read more

Differentiate between caste and varna.

Points to Remember: Caste is a social hierarchy based on birth, often associated with hereditary occupation and social restrictions. Varna is a fourfold social classification found in ancient Hindu scriptures, representing idealized social roles. While historically intertwined, caste and varna are distinct concepts with different origins and implications. The caste system has evolved over time, … Read more

What do you understand by social interaction?

Points to Remember: Social interaction is a dynamic process. It involves reciprocal influence. It’s shaped by various factors (cultural, social, individual). It’s crucial for individual and societal well-being. Understanding social interaction is key to addressing social issues. Introduction: Social interaction refers to the dynamic process by which individuals influence each other’s thoughts, feelings, and behaviors. … Read more

Distinguish between status and role.

Points to Remember: Status refers to a person’s position within a social hierarchy, often determined by factors like wealth, power, or prestige. Role refers to a set of expected behaviors and responsibilities associated with a particular position or status. Status and role are interconnected but distinct concepts. A person’s status influences the roles they are … Read more

Explain the concept of community.

Points to Remember: Community is a group of people sharing common characteristics. Communities can be defined geographically, by shared interests, or by social identity. Strong communities foster social cohesion and support. Challenges exist in maintaining and strengthening communities. Introduction: The concept of “community” is multifaceted and lacks a single, universally accepted definition. It transcends simple … Read more

What are the ‘Yamas’ according to Yoga Philosophy?

Points to Remember: The Yamas are ethical restraints or moral observances in Patanjali’s Yoga Sutras. They form the first limb of Patanjali’s eight-limbed path to Yoga. Each Yama represents a principle for ethical and moral conduct. Practicing the Yamas cultivates inner peace and harmonious relationships. Introduction: Yoga, far from being merely physical postures (asanas), is … Read more

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