
 Excretion:In plants Excretion, the process by which animals and plants rid themselves of waste products and of the nitrogenous by-products of metabolism. Through excretion organisms control osmotic pressure—the balance between inorganic ions and water—and maintain acid-base balance. The process thus promotes homeostasis, the constancy of the organism’s internal environment. Plants have no special … Read more

Vector Borne Diseases

 Vector borne diseases Main vectors and diseases they transmit Vectors are living organisms that can transmit infectious diseases between humans or from animals to humans. Many of these vectors are bloodsucking insects, which ingest disease-producing microorganisms during a blood meal from an infected host (human or animal) and later inject it into a new … Read more

Reproduction And Growth

 Reproduction and growth – type of reproduction Living things grow and they reproduce. Growth is a way to generate the materials for reproduction. Reproduction is a way to make new organisms that can grow. Thus, the apparent “goal” of every organism is to fill the available world with its offspring, that is, with … Read more

Diseases Related To Heart

 Diseases related to heart There are many types of heart disease that affect different parts of the organ and occur in different ways. Congenital heart disease   This is a general term for some deformities of the heart that have been present since birth. Examples include:   Septal defects: There is a hole … Read more

Composition And Function Of Blood

 Blood makes up about 8% of the human body weight. It contains erythrocytes, leucocytes, thrombocytes (platelets) and plasma. The volume percentage of all blood cells in the whole blood is about 45% of adults (hematocrit). The rest consists of liquid plasma (e.g. water, plasma proteins, electrolytes etc.). The blood is composed of: Plasma Plasma … Read more

Diseases Related To Kidney

 Diseases related to kidney Abderhalden-Kaufmann-Lignac syndrome Autosomal recessive syndrome of disturbance of amino acid transport characterized by deposition of cystine crystals in numerous tissues of the body, particularly evident in the conjunctiva and cornea. Children in whom cystinosis is found are subnormal in development, with dwarfing, rickets, and osteoporosis. Renal tubular disease, aminoaciduria, … Read more

Excretory System

 Excretory System Introduction If you exercise on a hot day, you are likely to lose a lot of water in sweat. Then, for the next several hours, you may notice that you do not pass urine as often as normal and that your urine is darker than usual. Do you know why this … Read more

Diseases Communicable Diseases And Epidemic Diseases

 Diseases – Communicable diseases, Endemic diseases Top 10 Causes of Death (Source: WHO World Health Statistics 2012) Ischemic heart disease 12 % Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease 11% Stroke 9% Diarrheal disease 6% Lower respiratory infections 5% Preterm birth complications 4% Tuberculosis 3% Self-inflicted injuries 3% Falls 3% Road injuries 2% Communicable diseases Communicable … Read more

Reflex Action

 In the body of an animal two types of activities take place: voluntary and involuntary. Voluntary action happens according to the will of the individual while there is not any control of will over involuntary action. Involuntary action may again be divided into two categories. The action of first category is related to internal … Read more

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