Cropping pattern in Chhattisgarh

  Cropping pattern : The yearly sequence and spatial arrangement of crops on a given area. The cropping patterns of a region are closely influenced by the geo-climatic, socio-cultural, economic and political factors. The physical environment (physiographic, climate, soils and water) imposes limits on the growth and dis­tribution of crops. Cropping pattern followed in Chhattisgarh is … Read more


  Natural hazards are severe and extreme weather and climate events that occur naturally in all parts of the world, although some regions are more vulnerable to certain hazards than others. Natural hazards become natural disasters when people’s lives and livelihoods are destroyed.Chattishgarh is vulnerable to cyclonic storm, Flood and Draught. Cyclone and flood disaster in Chattishgarh Chattishgarh is very vulnerable to … Read more

Chhattisgarh: Tourism

  Chhattisgarh has vast potential for tourism. Below are the important area from the point of view of tourism. Waterfalls List of Waterfalls of Chhattisgarh: Bastar District Chitrakote Falls Tirathgarh Chitra-Dhara TamdaGhumar Mendri-Ghumar Mandawa JhulnaDarha Chik-Narra Shiv-Ganga Bhunbhuni Dantewada District Malangir Saath-Dhaar Fool-paad Jhara-lava Munga ToyerNala Waterfall DudmaJhodi WF Jashpur District Dangiri Ranidah Kotebira Rajpuri … Read more

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