DMPQ Premium-State the consequences of Maratha attack on Chattishgarh.

In 1742, Maratha Commander Bhasker Pant attacked this area and finishedHaihai dynasty. In the changing historic events Bhasker Pant was murderedbrutaly in Cuttack and Raghunath Singh once again became free frommarathas. Mohan Singh was seated on the throne and who ruled till 1758. In 1745 A.D. after conquering the region by Maratha, they deposed Raghunath … Read more

DMPQ Premium-. Write a note on Kaluchari dynasty rule in Chattishgarh.

Kalchuri dynasty is assumed to be the starting point of political era of Chhattisgarh. Kalchuri ruled her almost about 7 decades. Kalchuri was Haeyeh Rajput and they were follower of Shev Dharma. There were two branches of Kalchuri dynasty in Chhattisgarh: Ratanpur and Ratanpur was the first branch of Kalchuri dynasty. In the end of … Read more

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