DMPQ: Knowledge based economy has huge potential to grow with sustained rate. But there are concerns with Indian as an eligible country for knowledge based economy. Discuss.

USA is a knowledge based economy which is growing at a sustained rate. This type of economy adds more value to its available resources and hence ensure better growth.   The major concern with India in realising the potential of knowledge base economy are:   Lack of adequate funds for investing in R&D sector. Our … Read more

DMPQ: Farm loan waiver has become a populist tool. Do you think loan waiver is the ultimate solution? (Economy)

After the recent Assembly elections, the new governments in Rajasthan, Madhya Pradesh and Chhattisgarh announced farm loan waivers. According to SBI Research, around ₹70,000 crore will be spent on farm debt waivers till May 2019.  Rising costs, drop in income and increasing incidence of indebtedness among small and marginal farmers manifested in a spate of suicides over … Read more

DMPQ-What is aspirational district Programme? What are its objectives?

NITI Aayog as guided by the central government has come up with a unique and promising idea of ‘Aspirational Districts Programme’ based on mass movement approach. The uniqueness of the programme lies in its approach and implementation based on creating a competitive environment and empowering State Governments (mains driver) diving respective districts as competitors. (total … Read more

DMPQ- Mention the steps taken by Government to boost business under Aatma Nirbhar bharat Abhiyan.

On May 12 GOI, announced a special economic package of Rs 20 lakh crore (equivalent to 10% of India’s GDP) with the aim of making the country independent against the tough competition in the global supply chain and to help in empowering the poor, labourers, migrants who have been adversely affected by COVID. Collateral free … Read more

DMPQ- Write a short note on InvITS

InVITS:  An Infrastructure Investment Trust (InvITs) is like a mutual fund, which enables direct investment of small amounts of money from possible individual/institutional investors in infrastructure to earn a small portion of the income as return. InvITs work like mutual funds or real estate investment trusts (REITs) in features. InvITs can be treated as the … Read more

DMPQ- Explain the reasons why India’s growth is called ‘growth without employment.’

Today, employment share of three sectors of economy is roughly – industry (17%), agriculture (57%) and  services (26%). Unemployment is mainly of two types – disguised unemployment and open unemployment. Disguised  unemployment is also called under-employment. It is a situation in which a person is not contributing  fully to his potential for example, a task … Read more

DMPQ: What is PPP ? Certain issues are faced by PPP. Examine that. 

PPP is public private partnership where a private entity enters into a contract with a government entity to provide public asset or service in which the private party provides its managerial expertise and operational efficiency.   Remuneration in this is linked to performance. PPP model was envisioned for infrastructure sector but now it is present in … Read more

DMPQ- What are the advantages and disadvantages of contract Farming in India ?

Contract Farming is an agreement between farmers and cooperative firms for the supply and production of agriculture goods, under predefined agreements and price.  As per noted agriculture is booming for a very long time, but nowadays farmers are facing a new problem of accessing the market and fully achieving profitability. Contact farming will bring following … Read more

DMPQ- Subsidies is a major expenditure component. Indian government has taken several measures to rationalise subsidies and explain the importance of rationalisation of subsidies.

Subsidies are a major component of expenditure they are a form of transfer payment given by government to the People. Subsidies can be classified as food, petroleum and agriculture subsidies. Why rationalisation: Government expenditure power is limited and they cannot go beyond a point further the fiscal deficit should be solely utilised for the purpose … Read more

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