Ministry of Human Resource Development has announced a new PPP Scheme, National Educational Alliance for Technology (NEAT) for using technology for better learning outcomes in Higher Education. The objective is to use Artificial Intelligence to make learning more personalised and customised as per the requirements of the learner. This requires development of technologies in Adaptive … Read more

DMPQ- . Discuss the recommendations given by Urjit patel committee for monetary policy framework.

. The main objective of the committee was to recommend what needs to be done to revise and  strengthen the current monetary policy framework with a view to making it transparent and  predictable with a focus on inflation management. The group submitted its report in January, 2014 and inter-alia, made the following recommendations with regard … Read more

DMPQ-What is Net Domestic Product?

Net domestic product (NDP) represents the net book value of all goods and services produced within a nation’s geographic borders over a specified period of time. Net domestic product provides insight into the age or obsolescence of a country’s assets, as well as how much the country has to spend to maintain its current GDP. After all, if the country … Read more

DMPQ- What is Nirvik Scheme?

Ministry of Commerce & Industry throughExport Credit Guarantee Corporation (ECGC) has introduced a new Export Credit Insurance Scheme (ECIS) called NIRVIK to enhance loan availability and ease the lending process.Enhanced cover will ensure that Foreign and Rupee export credit interest rates will be below 4%and 8% respectively for exporters.Under ECIS, insurance coverpercentage has also been … Read more

DMPQ- Outline the recommendations of Nitiaayog on labour reforms.

Labour reforms essentially mean taking steps in increasing production, productivity, and employment opportunities in the economy in such a manner that the interests of the workers are not compromised. “Essen­tially, it means skill development, retraining, redeployment, updating knowledge base of workers-teachers, promotion of leadership qualities, etc. The recommendation of NITI aayog are: Codification of labour … Read more

DMPQ: Exit problem is the biggest hurdle for Indian firms as per economic survey. To get rid of this Insolvency and Bankruptcy code was passed. What are the features of IBC.

The Insolvency and Bankruptcy Code (IBC) was enacted in 2016 to facilitate a time-bound resolution for ailing and sick firms. It could either be through closure or revival, while protecting the interests of creditors. Under IBC, either the creditor (banks) or the loaner (defaulter) can initiate insolvency proceedings. It is done by submitting a plea … Read more

DMPQ- Diminishing role of government in governance is must for Higher Educational growth. Critically analyse.

Over the years, the government has gradually withdrawn from direct management of public institutions, devolving governance to boards compromising academics, alumni and external members. Instead, it exerts indirect forms of control based largely on mechanisms such as performance-linked funding and quality recognition. The erstwhile regulatory regime of multiple bodies with conflicting and overlapping mandates has … Read more

DMPQ- . “In 1991 India went through many liberal economic policies which changed India’s economic scenario” Elucidate.

End of license raj On 24 July 1991, Prime Minister Narasimha Rao announced the end of the license-permit Raj and Finance Minister Manmohan Singh presented a historic budget that rolled out economic liberalisation in India. It proposed getting rid of the Monopolies and Restrictive Trade Practices asset limit totally. Industrial licensing would be abolished for … Read more

DMPQ- Differentiate between the role of Estimates Committee and Public Accounts Committee

Estimates Committee Estimates Committee was first established during British Era in 1920s but Independent India’s first Estimates Committee was established in 1950. This committee examines the estimates included in the budget and suggests ‘economies’ in public expenditure. The Estimates Committee has 30 members and all these members are from Lok Sabha. There is no Rajya … Read more

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