DMPQ- . What is external commercial borrowing (ECB) ? Point out the importance of ECB for India’s external investment.

An external commercial borrowing (ECB) is an instrument used in India to facilitate Indian companies to raise money outside the country in foreign currency. The government of India permits Indian corporates to raise money via ECB for expansion of existing capacity as well as for fresh investments. Other such external sources of finance/capital include FCCBs … Read more

DMPQ: Tendulkar committee on estimation of poverty changed the basis of calculating poverty. Discuss.

In 2005, another expert group to review methodology for  poverty estimation, chaired by Suresh Tendulkar, was constituted by the Planning Commission.  The reason for formulation of committee was : Issues with the adjustment of prices for inflation, both spatially and temporally. Earlier poverty line assumed that health and education would be provided by the state  … Read more

DMPQ- What is Operation Twist?

Operation Twist is a move in which a central bank decides to simultaneously buy long-dated securities while selling short-term securities. This is the first time RBI has undertaken such an unconventional policy measure with the aim of flattening the yield curve by lowering longer-term rates to boost lending and growth. Operation Twist normally leads to … Read more

DMPQ- List out the major Indian Industrial Corridors of India

Industrial Corridor refers to a set of infrastructural spending allocated to a specific geographical area, with the aim of stimulating industrial development. An industrial corridor aims to crease an area with a cluster of manufacturing or other industry. The major Indian Industrial Corridors are: Delhi-Mumbai Industrial Corridor (DMIC); Bengaluru- Mumbai Economic Corridor (BMEC); Chennai-Bengaluru Industrial … Read more

DMPQ: India’s growth story has bypassed the industrial sector. what  are the reasons for low performance of industrial sector in India post liberalisation.

The industrial sector has performed poorly in the reform period because of decreasing demand of industrial products due to various reasons’ such as cheaper imports, inadequate investment, infrastructure etc. India is a founder member of WTO and in facilitating globalisation of Indian Economy, India like other developing countries is compelled to open up its economy … Read more

DMPQ- How the interest rate of the central bank of any nation affects foreign capital Investment in India?

The interest rate fluctuation impacts foreign investment in India. The developing countries like India tend to have a higher interest rate than those developed countries. The foreign investment institutes such as FIIs (Foreign Institutional Investors) borrow money from their domestic market at a low-interest rate and invest it in countries like India where the interest … Read more

DMPQ: What are the objectives of Pradhan Mantri Bhartiya Janaushdi Pariyojana? Discuss its salient features also.

Out of pocket expenditure on health is one of the reason for perpetual poverty. The major chunk goes in buying medicine. Hence to deal with this issue PMB jan aushadhi yojana was launched to ensure the availability of quality medicine at affordable price for all, particularly the poor and disadvantaged.  The salient features of the … Read more

DMPQ- Write down a short note on the initiative Shakti.

SHAKTI stands for Scheme for Harnessing and allocating Koyala Transparency in India. It is a  transformational policy for auction and allotment of coal linkages. This policy will award fuel supply agreements to coal plants already holding letter of assurance. Coal linkage would be allocated to state owned power distribution companies. The major objective to bring … Read more

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