DMPQ: Examine the methods for the calculation of MSP.

  In formulating the recommendations in respect of the level of minimum support prices and other non-price measures, the CACP takes into account a comprehensive view of the entire structure of the economy of a particular commodity or group of commodities. Other Factors include cost of production, changes in input prices, input-output price parity, trends … Read more

DMPQ-Explain the following term: a) Merchant Banks b) Venture capital fund c) Viability gap fund d) Value capture financing

Merchant Banks:      A bank dealing in commercial loans and investment. They manage and underwrite new issues, provide consultancy and corporate advisory services for corporate clients on raising finds and other financial aspects. b) Venture Capital Fund: Usually the financial institutions are hesitant to finance new products because the profitability of new products is uncertain and … Read more

DMPQ: Do you think PM KISAN scheme is going to alleviate the widespread rural distress in the country. (ECONOMY)

Brief Intro- of Scheme Points against: The Programme is targeted cash transfer and hence high chances of exclusion errors. The landless tenant are out of the beneficiary list. Will lead to fragmentation of the land. Beneficiary will fragment the land to avail the benefit of the scheme. In long run it is not good for … Read more

DMPQ: What is external commercial borrowing? Who controls External commercial borrowing and discuss its advantages.

External commercial borrowing (ECB) is basically a loan availed by an Indian entity from a non-resident lender.  They are used widely in India to facilitate access to foreign money by Indian corporations and PSUs (public sector undertakings).  Most of these loans are provided by foreign commercial banks and other institutions.  In the post reform period, … Read more

DMPQ-Explain how exchange Rate and Purchasing Power Parity effect each other.

Exchange rates in the ideal sense be a reflection of differences in  purchasing power of economies on account of various factors. However, this is true only  if the entire global world had free trade, without any restrictions, ability of goods to move  across geographies without any hindrance, similar like a bird flying, ability to reach … Read more

DMPQ: Nai Roshni scheme

The Ministry of Minority Affairs has started implementation of a scheme “Nai Roshni” for Leadership Development of Minority Women from 2012-13. The scheme aims to empower and instil confidence among minority women by providing knowledge, tools and techniques for interacting with Government systems, Banks and other institutions at all levels. The scheme is implemented through … Read more

DMPQ- Highlight the aim of Atal Innovation Mission.

The Atal Innovation Mission (AIM) is a flagship initiative set up by the NITI Aayog to promote innovation and entrepreneurship across the length and breadth of the country, based on a detailed study and deliberations on innovation and entrepreneurial needs of India in the years ahead. AIM is also envisaged as an umbrella innovation organization … Read more

DMPQ- List out the Employment Schemes and Programmes by Union Government

·       Pradhan Mantri MUDRA Yojana (PMMY)    Launched: 8April2015 Main Objective: Financial support for growth of micro enterprises sector. Pradhan Mantri MUDRA (Micro Units Development and Refinance Agency) Yojana was launched with the purpose to provide funding to the non-corporate small business sector. Pradhan Mantri Mudra Yojana (PMMY) is open and is available from all Bank branches … Read more

DMPQ-Electronic industry is going to be the hotspot for Indian economy. Discuss the steps taken by India to promote electronic industry in India.

With an aim to create a $400-billion electronicsmanufacturing industry & generate 1 cr jobs by2025, the Ministry of Electronics and InformationTechnology (MeitY) has come out with the draft‘National Policy on Electronics 2018’ (NPE 2018). Initiatives taken for Electronic System Design &Manufacturing (ESDM) Sector in India Electronics Manufacturing Clusters: To overcome disadvantages due toinfrastructure, EMC was … Read more


Digital Advancement of Rural Post Office for A New India (DARPAN) is aimed at realizing financial inclusion of un-banked rural population. The Project shall increase the rural reach of the Department of Posts and enable Branch Post Offices to increase traffic of all financial remittances, savings accounts, Rural Postal Life Insurance, and Cash Certificates etc.  … Read more

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