DMPQ: What is the mandate of SFIO? ( ECONOMY)

SFIO stands for serious frauds investigation office. It is a investigation agency which is under the jurisdiction of ministry of corporate affairs.  The mandate of SFIO is as under: The SFIO is involved in major fraud probes and is the co-ordinating agency with the Income Tax Department and the Central Bureau of Investigation. It is … Read more

DMPQ: Discuss the key issues with real estate sector? Outline the provisions of Real estate ( regulation and development ) Act, 2016. (Acts)

Real estate sector is highly unregulated where black money find its place. Major issues with real estate sector are lengthy approval process for project clearances, lack of clear land titles, diversion of funds received by the developer towards one project to more lucrative ones. Changing of layouts by the developer and legal disputes between buyers … Read more

DMPQ: Is cashless economy feasible in India? Also discuss the impact of it on informal economy?

India Cash/GDP ratio is 12.24% which makes it one of the largest cash based economy. But there are certain problem for a cashless economy especially for India as : ‘ There is low penetration of internet. Last mile connectivity especially in rural sector is quite low which creates hurdle in digitisation of economy. Lack of … Read more

DMPQ- Write a short note on the differentiated banking.

Differentiated banks are banking institutions licensed by the RBI to provide specific banking services and products.It is a system refers to the system of different licenses for different sub components of the banking sector such as Limited Banking License, Commercial Banking License etc. A differentiated license will allow a bank to offer products only in … Read more

DMPQ: What are the aims of the trade policy of India ?

Foreign Trade Policy of India has always focused on substantially increasing the country’s share of global merchandise trade. Accordingly the Government of India has been taking various steps towards boosting its trade with the rest of the world by adopting policies and procedures which would help to increase and facilitate both exports and imports with … Read more

DMPQ: What is globalisation? Examine its impact on the pattern of employment.

Globalisation means integration of economies and societies through cross country flows of information ,ideas ,technologies , goods, services, capital finance and people. The current wave of globalisation, which started after 1991had profound effects on the labour market and the employment situation of workers all over the world. The changes in pattern of employment and labour … Read more

DMPQ- What are the reform strategies for Healthcare Financing

Reform strategies include Alternative financing (user-fees, health insurance, community financing, private sector investment); Institutional management (autonomy to hospitals, monitoring and management by local government agencies, contracting); Public sector reforms (civil service reforms, capacity building, productivity improvement); and Collaboration with the private sector (public/private partnerships, joint ventures).

Define the following term: (economy)

Tax incidence:  Tax incidence is the entity on whom tax is imposed. It is the distribution of the overall tax burden between sellers and buyers in an economy.     Tax burden:       It is the total amount of tax paid by a particular group of people, an industry etc especially as compared to what other … Read more

DMPQ- Government has taken various step towards boosting consumption. Enumerate the number of steps taken by government to boost consumption.

Government has taken various measures to boost the incomes especially rural incomes to usher spending and consumption levels in the economy. Increase in the Minimum Support Prices (MSPs) for all mandated Rabi crops and Kharif crops for 2019-20 season. To provide an assured income support to the small and marginal farmers, the cash transfer scheme … Read more

DMPQ:Economic reforms of 1991 was the major landmark in Indian Economic History. Outline the reasons which forced India for economic reforms.

The  major reasons are: Rise in Prices and galloping inflation. It surged from 6.7% to near about 16% Increase in the Fiscal deficit. Increase in non -development expenditure. Adverse Balance of payment and pressure on Balance of Payment. Iran-Kuwait war led to increase in Petrol price and hence pressure on Indian Imports. Adopted approach of … Read more

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