Demographic dividend is a potential and not destiny. In this context discuss the Advantage of demographic dividend.

India, however, seems to be in a demographic sweet spot with its working-age population projected to grow by a third over the same period.India’s demographic cycle is about 10-30 years behind that of the other countries, indicating that the next few decades present an opportunity for India to catch up to their per capita income … Read more


NITI Aayog has created the India Knowledge Hub (IKH), a dynamic web portal, functioning as a repository to store and disseminate best practices from across the country. Reflecting the spirit of cooperative federalism, the NITI Aayog launched the India Knowledge Hub so that districts, States, Central ministries and other government institutions can exchange knowledge on … Read more

DMPQ- Write a short note on the SHAKTI schemes

SHAKTI: Coal linkage policy named SHAKTI or the Scheme to Harness and Allocate Koyla (Coal) Transparently in India. Salient Features of the policy   This policy will award fuel supply agreements to coal plants already holding letters of assurance (LoAs). It is issued to new consumers on being approved by the appropriate authority, based on … Read more

DMPQ- Explain the Development Financial institution (DFI)

A Development Financial institution (DFI) is defined as “an institution endorsed or supported by Government of india primarily to provide development/Project finance to one or more sectors or sub-sectors of the economy. the institution differentiates itself by a thoughtful balance between commercial norms of operation, as adopted by any financial institution like commercial bank and … Read more

DMPQ: What is value capture financing?

:  Value capture financing (VCF) works on the conviction that public policy and infrastructure projects typically lead to improvement in the quality of housing, jobs access and transportation, yield other social benefits, and lead to the emergence of important commercial, cultural, institutional, or residential developments in the influence area. This, in turn, leads to an … Read more

DMPQ: FAME India scheme.

FAME stands for faster adoption and market creation of both hybrid and electric technologies vehicle in the country.  The scheme is under Ministry of Heavy Industries and public enterprise. It was launched in 2015 under National electric mobility mission plan. The scheme aims to provide fiscal and monetary incentives for adoption and market creation of … Read more

DMPQ- What are the problems faced by agriculture sector in India? (ECONOMY)

The major problems are as follows: Rudimentary infrastructure and policies leads to slow agricultural growth. The average size of landholding is small. Poor socio economic conditions of farmers. Use of technology is inadequate. No proper management of irrigation. Vulnerability of agriculture sector is high to wards hazards and disaster. Dependence of agriculture on vagaries of … Read more

DMPQ: What is a monetary policy? What are its types? List down the objectives of monetary policies.

Monetary policy is made by the central bank to manage money supply to achieve specific goals- such as constraining inflation, maintaining an appropriate exchange rate , generating jobs etc.   There are basically two types of monetary policies. They are expansionary and contractionary.   Expansionary: This means increase in the total supply of money in … Read more

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