DMPQ:Write short note on capital accountconvertibility.(economics)

Capital Account Convertibility (CAC) is not just the currency convertibility freedom, but morethan that, it involves the freedom to invest in financial assets of other countries.The Committee on Capital Account Convertibility (1997, Chairman SS Tarapore) in its reporthas given a working definition for the CAC which is as following:“CAC refers to the freedom to convert … Read more

DMPQ- Suggest appropriate investment model for India’s infrastructure sector.

Various investment models which have emerged in recent times especially  in post-reforms and also from experiences of emerging marker economies (EMEs). These  models are not alternates to each other but are only variants of investment models. The policy support will require well-drafted ‘futuristic policies’ in different areas  especially in the areas of ‘pricing and tax … Read more

DMPQ- What are the causes of the YES bank crisis?

Causes of Yes Bank crisis: Loan spree In the last five years, Yes Bank went on a loaning spree. Its total advances rose by 334% between FY14 and FY19, the highest rise among comparable banks in the period. Bad loans multiply Many borrowers started defaulting. The bank’s Gross NPA% (loans overdue for >90 days) zoomed … Read more

DMPQ- Recent data suggests that Indian economy has been slowing down. Evaluate the reasons responsible for slowdown.

. India’s economy toppled to 5 per cent GDP growth rate—a 25-quarter low—during the first quarter of 2019 fiscal. Days before the data was published, the government took a step back to announce rescue measures to revive the sectors hurt by the economic slowdown and reverse decisions on surcharge for high net-worth individuals. The finance … Read more

DMPQ: Write a short note on ease of doing business rank.

The Ease of Doing Business Rank (EODB) is a measure of an economy’s position to the best regulatory practices. Though World Bank used to publish the ‘Doing Business’ reports from 2003, the ranking of economies started only from 2006. The EODB study tries to capture the experience of small and mid-sized companies in a country with their … Read more

DMPQ: What is Inverted duty structure ? How it has impacted Indian manufacturing over the years.

Inverted duty structure is a condition in which final good is taxed lower on its import as compared to the intermediate good used in the making of finished good.  The economic survey has pointed out that Inverted dusty structure has affected our industries a lot.     Major effect of inverted duty structure: Affect domestic … Read more

DMPQ- PRASAD scheme.

Twelve cities namely Amaravati (Andhra Pradesh), Gaya(Bihar), Dwaraka(Gujarat), Amritsar(Punjab), Ajmer(Rajasthan), Kanchipuram(Tamil Nadu), Vellankani(Tamil Nadu), Puri(Odisha), Varanasi(Uttar Prasesh), Mathura(Uttar Pradesh), Kedarnath (Uttarakhand) and Kamakhya (Assam) have been identified for development under Pilgrimage Rejuvenation and Spirituality Augmentation Drive (PRASAD) by the Ministry of Tourism. The objective of schemes are as follows: To drive a national mission for … Read more

DMPQ-Why Indian should not be complacent for achieving a high jump on ease of doing business?

Ease of doing business is an index published by the World Bank. It is an aggregate figure that includes different parameters which define the ease of doing business in a country. It is computed by aggregating the distance to frontier scores of different economies. The distance to frontier score uses the ‘regulatory best practices’ for doing … Read more

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