DMPQ- Explain the Primary Processing of Food Products.

 Unlike durable crops such as cereals, pulses and oilseeds, fresh fruits and vegetables are highly perishable, and must be marketed immediately after harvesting without primary processing. Fruit and vegetables generate large quantities of valuable waste that ends up as garbage.  However, if they are gainfully utilized at the proper time they can become … Read more

DMPQ:India is a federation with a strong centre. Comment.

Groundwater contamination is the adulteration of water because of the increase in the concentration of certain pollutants. The major pollutants contributing to contamination are Arsenic, fluoride, Iron, uranium , nitrate etc. Causes of groundwater contamination are: Natural: Groundwater naturally contains high amount of pollutant due to geological formation. For example occurrence of fluoride is related … Read more

DMPQ: Write a short note on different types of Rural settelement.

Types of Rural Settlements: Geographers have suggested various schemes of classification. If we group settlements found all over the country, these can broadly be grouped under four categories: Compact/clustered/nucleated settlement Semi-compact/Semi-clustered/fragmented settlement Hemleted settlement Dispersed settlement   Compact Settlements: As the name suggests, these settlements have closely built up area. Therefore in such settlements all … Read more

DMPQ: What are coral reefs? Discuss the different types of coral reefs. What are favourable conditions for growth and development of coral reefs? (geography)

Coral reefs are built by and made up of thousands of tiny animals—coral “polyps”—that are relatedto anemones and jellyfish.   Different types of coral reefs:   Fringing reefs are reefs that grow directly from a shore. They are located very close to land,and often form a shallow lagoon between the beach and the main body … Read more

DMPQ- What is Western disturbance ? How does it affect Indian climate?

Western Disturbances develop in the mid latitude region (north of the Tropic of Cancer), not in the tropical region, therefore they are called as mid latitude storms or extra-tropical storms. Extra-Tropical Cyclones are also called as winter storms and blizzards.Western Disturbances are low pressure systems, embedded in western winds (westerlies) that flow from west to the east.It is … Read more

DMPQ- Frontal Cyclones.

The systems developing in the mid and high latitude (35° latitude and 65° latitude in both hemispheres), beyond the tropics are called Frontal Cyclones or Wave Cyclones.According to polar front theory, the warm-humid air masses from the tropics meet the dry-cold air masses from the poles and thus a polar front is formed as a surface … Read more

DMPQ-Irrigation is always associated with positive economic development but there are negative fallouts too.

Irrigation is consider boon for agriculture. Artificial injection of water increases the productivity and efficiency of the land. But there are negative fallouts attached with Irrigation. These are as follows: Associated problems of water logging and salinity. Poor irrigation practices lead to water logging and salinity. The productivity has been on decline in some areas … Read more

DMPQ-What is Intercropping and what are the advantages of intercropping?

Inter Cropping: Growing two or more crops simultaneously on the same piece of land with definite row arrangementor in a fixed ratio. It was originally practiced as an insurance against crop failure under drained conditions. Intercroppingsystems utilizes resources efficiently and their productivity is increased. Example: – Maize + Cowpea, Potato + Mustard, Groundnut + Redgram. … Read more

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