DMPQ- What were the major reasons for the downfall of buddhism in Indian Sub-continent?

The major reasons for the downfall of buddhism in Indian subcontinent are as follows: Corruptions in Buddhist Sanghas: In course of time, the Buddhist ‘Sangha’ became corrupt. The monks and followers came to be drawn towards luxury and enjoyment. Receiving and saving valuable gifts like gold and silver made them greedy and materialistic Reform in … Read more

DMPQ:Gondwana coal field in India

Gondwana coal makes up to 98 per cent of the total reserves and 99 per cent of the production of coal in India. Satpuras, denudation [weathering + erosion] has exposed coal bearing Gondwana strata.The carbon content in Gondwana coal [250 million years old] is less compared to the  Carboniferous coal [350 million years old][Almost Absent in India] because of its much … Read more

DMPQ: What is continental shelf? Mention the significance of Continent shelf( Geography)

The continental shelf is the extended margin of each continent occupied byrelatively shallow seas and gulfs. It is the shallowest part of the ocean showing anaverage gradient of 1° or even less.The width of the continental shelves vary from one ocean to another. The average widthof continental shelves is about 80 km. Significance of Continental … Read more

DMPQ- Write a short note on NDMA.

On 23 December 2005, the Government of India enacted the Disaster Management Act, which envisaged the creation of National Disaster Management Authority (NDMA), headed by the Prime Minister, and State Disaster Management Authorities (SDMAs) headed by respective Chief Ministers, to spearhead and implement a holistic and integrated approach to Disaster Management in India. NDMA Vision: … Read more

DMPQ- What are endogenic forces? Name its types.

Endogenic forces are the internal forces which are responsible for the formation of newundulations on the surface of the earth. Since they create new landforms they are also knownas the Forces of Construction.They are the result of the convectional currents formed in the mantle. The source of this heatis the primordial heat of the interior … Read more

DMPQ- Write a short note on Pygmy

Pygmy, in anthropology, member of any human group whose adult males grow to less than 59 inches (150 cm) in average height. A member of a slightly taller group is termed pygmoid.  The best-known Pygmy groups and those to whom the term is most commonly applied are the Pygmies of tropical Africa; elsewhere in Africa … Read more

DMPQ: . Give the account of the following. ( World geography) a) Andes b) Rocky c) Great dividing range d) Drakesnberg

Andes:  Longest continental mountain range in the world.  They are   found in South America. They formed due to ocean-continent collisions and subduction of oceanic crust beneath the south American plate. Mount Aconcagua is the highest peak.( 6962m) The rocky mountains:   They are fold mountains found in the western margi of the North American continent. They … Read more

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