DMPQ- Bring out the differences between Hindustani classical music and Carnatic classical music.

Hindustani classical music may be traced back to the period of the Delhi Sultanate and to Amir Khusrau (AD 1253-1325) who encouraged the practice of musical performance with particular instruments. He is believed to have invented the sitar and the tabla and is said to have introduced new ragas. Most of the Hindustani musicians trace … Read more

DMPQ- What are the salient features of the Indian freedom struggle guided by Gandhi.?

Salient features are as follows: Holistic involvement of all stakeholders like women, Harijan, Industralist, young and old ones. Movements were truly Mass movement. Non violence and satyagraha were two biggest element of Indian freedom struggle. Movement were well planned and their stated objective was made clear to the people and British authority. Minimum casualty and … Read more

DMPQ- Discuss the challenges India faced in it’s early years after independence and also mention the strategies opted to face them.

India inherited enormous challenges like poverty, deprivation, inequality, illiteracy, underdevelopment, communalism and so on at the time of independence however, the optimist was also no lesser. Jawahar Lal Nehru’s famous speech ‘Tryst with Destiny’ on the eve of Independence reflected it. One big advantage India had was a consensus on the goals which was a … Read more

DMPQ- Decline of Mughal empire was due to various reasons. Discuss the involvement of religion in the decline of empire.

The most important cause of the downfall of the Mughal Empire was the religious policy of Aurangzeb. The Mughal state in the days of Akbar, Jahangir, and Shahjahan was basically a secular state. Its stability was essentially founded on the policy of non interference with the religious beliefs and customs of the people, fostering of … Read more

DMPQ- “Komagata Maru Incident and the publication of Ghadar paper were evidences of expension of Indian nationalism outside of the country.” Elucidate.

 The importance of Komagata Maru Incident lies in the fact that it created an explosive situation in the Punjab. Komagata Maru was the name of a ship which was carrying 370 passengers, mainly Sikh and Punjabi Muslim would-be immigrants, from Singapore to Vancouver. They were turned back by Canadian authorities after two months of privation … Read more

DMPQ- Any single explanation for the outbreak of the First World War likely to be too simple. An amalgam of factors contributed to this horrifying conflict of monumental propositions. – Explain.

. The First World War began in the summer of 1914, shortly after the assassination of Austria’s Archduke, Franz Ferdinand, and lasted more than four years, ending in 1918. Though the assassination of Archduke Ferdinand was the direct precipitating event leading to the declaration of war, there were many other factors that also played a … Read more

DMPQ- Analyze the provisions of the Treaty of Versailles of 1919 and examine the validity of Germany’s objections to the treaty.

World War 1 ended with Treaty of Versailles where Allied power dictated the terms of treaty with little or no participation of Germany. The Treaty of Versailles was very harsh of Germany and many of the provisions of treaty were even not fully supported by Britain and USA. The provision of Treaty are following: Demilitarization … Read more

DMPQ- . “At the end of ancient phase of history Indian philosophy was divided into 6 different branches.” Elucidate.

Samkhya System The Samkhya philosophy holds that reality is constituted of two principles one female and the other male i.e. Prakriti, Purusha respectively. Prakriti and Purusha are completely independent and absolute. According to this system, Purusha is mere consciousness, hence it cannot be modified or changed. Prakriti on the other hand is constituted of three … Read more

DMPQ- The paintings during the Jahangir reached zenith. Comment on the features of Mughal paintings.

Features of Mughal Paintings: The Mughal pictures were small in size, and hence are known as ‘miniature paintings’. Though the Mughal art absorbed the Indian atmosphere, it neither represented the Indian emotions, nor the scenes from the daily life of the Indian. Hence, Mughal painting remained confined to the Mughal court and did not reach … Read more

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