DMPQ-Wellesley’s Subsidiary System is regarded as one of the masterstrokes of British imperialism. Comment

Lord Wellesley introduced subsidiary system at the end of the 18th century and it proved to be an effective tool and eventually Britishers were able to control India and it lead to the establishment of British empire in India.  The most important feature was the utilisation of native resources to strengthen Britishers establishment. It increased … Read more

DMPQ- What were the objectives of Home rule movement and also mention the major contribution of home rule movement.

The Home Rule League Movement (1916-18) was led by Bal Gangadhar Tilak in Maharashtra (excluding Bombay), Karnataka, Central Provinces and Berar and Annie Besant in the rest of the country. It was inspired by the Irish Home Rule Movement. The following were the objectives of the movement: Annie Besant demanded that India be granted self-government … Read more

DMPQ- Write a short note on Pabna revolt.

Pabna Peasant Uprising (1873-76) was a resistance movement by the peasants (“Ryots”) against the lords of the lands in Bengal (“zamindars”) in the Yusufshahi pargana (now the Sirajganj District, Bangladesh) in Pabna. The Pabna rebellion was different from most contemporary peasant rebellions. This movement began as the peasants organised an agrarian league in May 1873 … Read more

DMPQ- Elucidate the role of Justice Party in Backward Class Movements of India.

In reaction to the incipient nationalist movement, represented by the nineteenth century Hindu revivalism, which led to improving the position of the Brahmin caste, the non- Brahmins of Madras Presidency sought to ally with the colonial regime, hoping that foreign rule would protect their position and somewhat neutralize power differences within the population. Mindful of … Read more

DMPQ- What was Meerut Conspiracy case ?

On March 20, 1929, arrests against WPP, CPI and other labour leaders were made in several parts of India, in what became known as the Meerut Conspiracy Case. Most of the WPP leadership was now put behind bars. The trial proceedings were to last for four years, thus outliving the WPP. Tengdi, the WPP of … Read more

DMPQ- . Comment on the approach of congress leaders during it’s moderate phase.

The moderate political activity involved constitutional agitation within the confines of law and showed a slow but orderly political progress. The Moderates believed that the British basically wanted to be just to the Indians but were not aware of the real conditions. Therefore, if public opinion could be created in the country and public demands … Read more

DMPQ- Explain how Tripuri congress session led to the foundation of Forward block.

Gandhi had retired from Congress in 1934 and Congress under Jawahar’s leadership has acquired a taste  of socialism and radicalism. Subhas was chosen unanimously in February 1938 session of Congress at  Haripura to built upon that trend. In that session under the leadership of Bose, Congress passed a  resolution to opposition to the impending imperialistic … Read more

DMPQ-Write a short note on Poorna Sawaraj resolution.

Purna Swaraj resolution was passed by the Indian National Congress in the Lahore session of 1929. The session was presided by Pt. Jawaharlal Nehru. Purna Swaraj meant c omplete freedom from British rule. People were subsequently asked to celebrate 26th of January as ‘Independence Day’. Congress laeders and volunteers hoisted flags publicly across the country. Congress had already presented the … Read more

Revised Notes and Live Class- Indus Valley Civilization

Indus Valley Civilization Indus valley civilization or Harappan civilization, the earliest known urban culture of the Indian subcontinent. The nuclear dates of the civilization appear to be about 2500–1700 BCE, though the southern sites may have lasted later into the 2nd millennium BCE. The civilization was first identified in 1921 at Harappa in the Punjab … Read more

DMPQ: Write a short note on the office of whip.

The concept of the whip was inherited from colonial British rule. It is used in parliamentary parlance often for floor management by political parties in the legislature. A whip is a written order that political party issue to its members for being present for an important vote, or that they vote only in a particular … Read more

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