Give an account of following a) Hunter commission b) Sadler commission

a) Hunter commission: Lord Ripon appointed the first Indian Education Commission on 3rd February 1882. Sir Willium Hunter (a member of viceroy’s Executive Council) was appointed as the chairman of the commission. The commission was popularly known as Hunter Commission after the name of its chairman. The major objective of Hunter commission was to: Assess … Read more

What is Bhakti movement? What are the essential features of bhakti movement?

The Indian culture and civilisation have undergone regormation and revitalisation many times throughout history of mankind. The Bhakti movements of 14th-16th century represented one such phase of revitalisation and reformation of Indian culture. This movement was lead by saints like Kabir, Guru Nanak, Ravidas, Dadu Dayal and Guru Ramdas. Essential features of Bhakti movement are … Read more

DMPQ: Peasants condition got deteriorated during the British Rule. In this context give the reasons for impoverished condition of Peasants. ( Modern History)

Impoverishment of peasantry was one of the outcome of British policies. The agrarian and the industrial sector was hit hard by the Britishers rules and regulation. These were framed to serve the ultimate interest of British rules. The colonial economic policies and commercialisation of agriculture were major reasons for destruction of self sufficient village system. … Read more

DMPQ- Chandela architecture

The name Khajuraho is derived from its Sanskrit nomenclature ‘Kharjuravahaka’ which is the confluence of two Sanskrit words ‘Kharjur’ meaning date palm and ‘Vahaka’ meaning bearer. There are about 25 temples spread over an area of approximately 6 square Km. The temples are grouped into three categories depending on their orientation – the Western Group … Read more

DMPQ-Why did youth were not in conformity with the ideals of moderates during freedom struggle? (Indian History)

Not contented with the political mendicancy of the ‘moderates’ and the inefficient decisionmaking of the ‘extremist’, the advent of individual and revolutionary terrorism was gettingprominence in the freedom struggle.Indian youth resort to revolutionary terrorism during the independence struggle in threephases: like post Bengal patrician, between NCM and CDM, and last phase post Quit IndiaMovement. The … Read more

DMPQ-Trace the significance of Lahore Congress session and declaration of purn swaraj in freedom struggle.

Jawaharlal Nehru, who had done more than anyone else to popularize the concept of purn swaraj, was nominated the president for the Lahore session of the Congress (December 1929) mainly due to Gandhi’s backing (15 out of 18 Provincial Congress Committees had opposed Nehru). Nehru was chosen because of the appositeness of the occasion (Congress’ … Read more

DMPQ- . Discuss Gandhi’s 11 points and explain how they became background for civil disobedience movement.

. After non-action of government over Nehru Report and failure of government to agree  upon any demand for even dominion status, Gandhiji was looking for a new plan amidst growing  restlessness among the Congress and nation as a whole. Mahatma Gandhi found in salt a powerful symbol that could unite the nation. On 31 January … Read more

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