DMPQ- Comment on the contribution of Jyoti rao phule towards Indian society.

Jyoti rao phule is considered as one of the major reformer of 19th century. His contribution towards women education, eradication of caste system, raising voice against the social evils like untouchability  etc. is unparalleled in the Modern history. Jyotirao established the first girls’ school in August 1848. Later he also opted two more school for … Read more

Note on Medieval Indo-Islamic Architecture.

With establishment of Turkish rule in India, a new phase coming in history of Indian art and architecture. Turks brought Islamic style of architecture in India. This new style eas significantly different from traditional Indian style. But over a period of time both style under went assimilation. Essential feature of Indo -Islamic architecture were: Islamic … Read more

DMPQ- Analyse the effects of Subsidiary Alliance on the political history of India and Maratha empire in Particular.

Lord Wellesley adopted the policy of Subsidiary Alliance to keep the Indian rulers under control and to further strengthen the British Empire in India. He opened a college to train the Company’s servants in Calcutta and is known as the Father of Civil Services in India. Lord Wellesley founded the Fort William College in Calcutta, … Read more

DMPQ:Given an account on the contribution of Rani Gaidinliu in Indian Freedom struggle.

This fiery female leader in Indian freedom struggle gets often compared with Rani Laxmibai for her courageous acts during the days of freedom fighting.  At a tender age of 16, she began a movement against the British imperialism demanding end of colonial rule and resurgence of Zeliangrong religion and Naga self-rule. The British administration captured … Read more

DMPQ- Write a short note on Bomalattam.

It combines the techniques of both rod and string puppetry. They are made of wood and the strings for manipulation and are tied to an iron ring in which the puppeteer wears a crown on his head. This puppet dance is used to spread religious stories. The main themes are the stories from the Ramayana, … Read more

DMPQ- Highlight the role of Revolutionary socialist movement in Independence struggle of India.

Socialism also had a revolutionary side. One such important organization was Hindustan socialist republican army (HSRA). Hindustan Socialist Republican Association (HSRA) was a revolutionary organisation, also known as Hindustan Socialist Republican Army established in 1928 at Feroz Shah Kotla New Delhi by Chandrasekhar Azad, Bhagat Singh, Sukhdev and others. Previously it was known as Hindustan … Read more

DMPQ- Outline the involvement of Jawaharlal Nehru in the Non-Cooperation Movement

The first big involvement of Jawaharlal Nehru came at the onset of the noncooperation movement in 1920. Nehru joined in whole-heartedly in this Satyagraha based movement that stormed India. Nehru was arrested on charges of anti governmental activities and was released a few months later. In the rift formed within the Congress following the sudden … Read more

DMPQ- Given an account of the India’s Cultural contribution to South East Asia and Central Asia?

India had commercial and cultural relations with her neighbours since an early time. Resulting from this, was on the one hand the introduction of foreign elements into the art and culture of India and on the other the extension of Indian religious ideas and art motifs to foreign countries. India’s Cultural contribution to Central Asia … Read more

DMPQ- Explain how Indigo cultivation became source of Indian farmer’s exploitation and how farmers resisted against it.

. By the thirteenth century Indian indigo was being used by cloth manufacturers in Italy, France and  Britain to dye cloth. By the end of the eighteenth century, the demand for Indian indigo grew further.  Britain began to industrialise, and its cotton production expanded dramatically, creating an enormous  new demand for cloth dyes. While the … Read more

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