DMPQ- Evaluate the contributions of Raja Rammohan roy and Brahmo samaj in socio-religious field.

. Raja Rammohan Roy (1772-1833), often called the the father of Indian Renaissance and the maker of Modern India, was a man of versatile genius. Rammohan Roy believed in the modern scientific approach and principles of human dignity and social equality. He put his faith in monotheism. He wrote Gift to Monotheists (1809) and translated … Read more

DMPQ- Trace the evolution of Kannada litreture from premedieval to medieval era.

Apart from Telugu, Vijayanagara rulers extended their patronage to Kannada and Sanskrit writers as well. Many Jain scholars contributed to the growth of Kannada literature. Madhava wrote Dharmanathapurana on the fifteenth tirthankara. Another Jain scholar, Uritta Vilasa, wrote Dharma Parikshe. The Sanskrit works of the period include Yadavabhyudayam by Vedanatha Desika and Parasara Smriti Vyakhya … Read more

DMPQ- . What do you understand by the Nagar Style of temple Architecture? How is it different from the Dravidan Style?

The Nagara style or Prasada style has become quite popular in North India. In this style, it is common to build a temple on a stone platform and unlike South Indian temples, these temples don’t have boundary walls or gateways. Earlier, there was only one shikhara built but as time passed, the complexities also increased … Read more

DMPQ- Illustrate the Administrative and Judicial Reforms by Lord William Bentick in British India.

Administrative and Judicial Reforms: The administrative structure of British India had been given shape by Cornwallis. But since the days of Cornwallis the company had made great advances, and defects in that structure became apparent as it had not kept pace with the advance. The judicial system especially suffered from the three great evils of … Read more

DMPQ-Write an essay on the rise of modern Japan.

Japan was the only country to remain outside colonial clutches. Japanese military generals called  ‘shoguns’ ruled Japan for more than 200 years and emperor was mere figurehead. Japanese  society was almost feudal and it was largely disconnected from the wider world. Japan awakened to the modern development in middle  of 19th century only when its … Read more

DMPQ- Home rule movement played a pivotal role in the Indian Freedom struggle. Comment

Significance of the movement: It gave a new life to the passive state of freedom struggle after swadeshi movement. Its methodology of organising meetings, seminars, lantern lectures lead to the infusing of Nationalism among masses. It prepared masses for upcoming struggle under the leadership of Gandhi. Gave Organisational strength to the Congress. It forced government … Read more

DMPQ- “Gupta period witnessed some of the most prominent Sanskrit scholars.” Elucidate.

. The Gupta period was India’s golden age of culture and one of the greatest and most glorious times. The Gupta kings patronized the classical Sanskrit literature. They helped liberally the scholars and poets of Sanskrit. This enriched the Sanskrit langauge. In fact Sanskrit language became the language of cultured and educated people. Many great … Read more

DMPQ- . “American Revolution was a Natural and Even Expected Event in The History of Colonial People Who Had Come of Age.” Comment.

. Instead of being a radical abrupt change, the American Revolution was a culmination of evolutionary changes that resulted in an evolved way of life. With the social, political and economic spheres, the change occurred gradually and remained largely unnoticed. For example, in Political sphere, the 13 colonies already had a certain degree of independence, … Read more

DMPQ- . Point out the reasons for the resurgence of nationalism in India after first world war.

Post-War Economic Hardships India contributed in men and money towards the British war efforts. Thousands of Indian men died in the war on various fronts. The food supplies and ammunition and the army’s keep came from the money raised by taxing Indians. When the war ended, all sections of the Indian population were experiencing hardships … Read more

DMPQ-Trace the events that led to the unification of Italy.

Carbonari, a secret society was formed by people to liberate Italy from clutches of foreigners.  Rulers of Naples and Piedmont also encouraged liberal tendencies. But these efforts were curbed  by Metternich. French revolutions of 1830 and 1848 sparked feelings of liberation, but the smaller states  couldn’t coordinate and Austria again suppressed movements and movement was … Read more

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