DMPQ- What is strategic disinvestment? Critically examine the challenges associated with disinvestment?

Disinvestment means the dilution of stake of the Government in a public enterprise. According to the government, strategic disinvestment would imply the sale of a substantial portion of the Government shareholding of a central public sector enterprises (CPSE) of upto 50%, or such higher percentage as the competent authority may determine, along with transfer of management … Read more

DMPQ- Explain the role of Bioremediation in environment friendly waste disposal process.

. Bioremediation is a branch of biotechnology that employs the use of living organisms, like microbes and bacteria, in the removal of contaminants, pollutants, and toxins from soil, water, and other environments. Bioremediation may be used to clean up contaminated groundwater or environmental problems, such as oil spills. Bioremediation relies on stimulating the growth of … Read more

DMPQ Premium-Outline the geographical distribution of Abujh maria tribe. Also throw light on settlement pattern and family structure of the tribe.

. The abhuj maria are living in the unknown hills (abhuj= ‘unknown’ and marh= ‘hill’) of Bastar region. These people are one of the sub-tribe of Gond. The tribal people of this region are classified based on their generic name Gond and they represent certain primitive stages and levels of development of our human society. … Read more

DMPQ- What are the main objectives of National Safai Karamcharis Finance & Development Corporation (NSKFDC)

  To promote economic development activities of Safai Karamcharis and their dependents; To promote self-employment ventures for the benefit and /or rehabilitation of Safai Karamcharis and their dependents. To assist, through the State Scheduled Castes Development/finance corporation or any other Channelizing Agency designated by the State Government or Union Territory Administration and subject to the … Read more

DMPQ:What is Renaissance? What are the causes of Renaissance?

The Renaissance was a fervent period of European cultural, artistic, political and economic“rebirth” following the middle Ages. Generally described as taking place from the 14th centuryto the 17th century, the Renaissance promoted the rediscovery of classical philosophy,literature and art. The Causes of Renaissance are: Rise of Intellectualism. Reintroduction of classical works. The invention of the … Read more

DMPQ- How was The Magadha-Licchavi Struggleled to the fall of the Licchavis rule?

The Licchavis turned to be great rivals of Magadhan monarchy. In the reign of Bimbisara of Magadha, they invaded the Magadhan kingdom. In the reign of Ajatasatru, a protracted war began between Magadha and the Lichchhavis. The latter were united with the Vajjis in a confederacy. In the struggle that followed the Lichchhavis and the Vajjis … Read more

DMPQ- Operation Digital Board

ODB aims at converting a class room into a digital class room and provide e-resources at any time and at any place to students.The digital board will be introduced all over the country in government and government aided schools from class 9th onwards as well as in higher education institutions.The Operation Digital Board (ODB) will be implemented in … Read more

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