DMPQ: What were the objectives of Demonetisation? What were the positive effects?

On 8th Nov, 2016 86% of the currency in circulation was declared as not legal tenders.   The stated objective of demonetisation was : Reduction of black money Achieving lower cash/ gdp ration An attack on fake currency To stop terror financing Increasing digital transactions Increasing tax net   Positive effects of  Demonetisation are as … Read more

DMPQ- Discuss the various quantitative and qualitative measures implemented by RBI to manage liquidity in market.

RBI thus has certain quantitative and qualitative tools through which it manages  liquidity and they are as follows: Cash Reserve Ratio (CRR) Every bank has to retain a certain percentage of its  demands and time liabilities in cash with the RBI which can be raised by the RBI to  drain out excess liquidity or reduced … Read more

DMPQ: What is a heavy Industry? What are the location factors suitable for setting up of heavy industries.?

Heavy industry relates to a type of business that typically carries a high capital cost (capital-intensive), high barriers to entry and low transportability. The term “heavy” refers to the fact that the items produced by “heavy industry” used to be products such as iron, coal, oil, ships, etc. Location factors are as follows: Availability of raw material … Read more

DMPQ: What is Biopiracy? Give some examples?

Biopiracy is the practice of commercially exploiting naturally occurring genetic material or biochemical. Most of the indigenous people possess a traditional knowledge that mainly comprises of genetic diversity and biological feature of the natural environment from generation to generation. Some of the traditional knowledge that is relevant to global survival includes the following components. Medicinal … Read more

DMPQ- How India’s technological dependence on foreign countries pose a serious challenge for India security.

The phenomenon of technology transfer has existed ever since the beginning of technological progress. Having significantly increased in recent years, it will probably attract the world’s attention for many years to come. Many developing countries now appear to be seeking technological progress through technology transfer to realize development in a much shorter time than that … Read more

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