Give an account for the following: (map based questions) a) Great lakes b) Lake Baikal c) Lake Tanganyika d) Aral sea

(a)Great lakes  Great Lakes of North America are a series of interconnected freshwater lakes which connect to the Atlantic Ocean through the Saint Lawrence Seaway.Consisting of Lakes Superior, Michigan, Huron, Erie, and Ontario . Superior, Huron, Michigan, Erie, and Ontario [In the order of largest to smallest].Lake Superior is the largest continental lake in the … Read more

DMPQ: Challenges in logistics are main concern for Indian trade. Comment. (Economy)

According to the recent economic survey, the problems associated with logistics are the main concern for India trade and they are reducing the competitiveness by increasing the cost. Some key challenges are as follows:   High cost of logistics-impacting competitiveness in domestic and global market. The structure of modal mix is an inefficient one ( … Read more

DMPQ- What are the health problems related to the modern lifestyle which is rendering the reduction in quality of life? Suggest Solution.

With the increase in Urbanisation and modernisation there is an increase in pollution, unhealthy lifestyle, environmental toxins which in turn increases the risk of disease.  The major health problems associated with modern lifestyle are as follows: Rise in pollution due to unplanned Pollution related problems like Asthama, Lung related disease etc. are on rise. Life … Read more

DMPQ- Write a short note on Industrial Information System.

To optimize resource utilization and enhance the efficiency of the manufacturing sector, the Department of Industrial Policy & Promotion (DIPP), Ministry of Commerce & Industry launched the Industrial Information System (IIS) in 2017. It is a GIS-enabled database of industrial areas and clusters across the country. The portal serves as a one-stop solution to the … Read more

DMPQ-Write the features of Vijaynagar architecture.

Features are as follows: Synthesis of Dravidian architecture with Islamic style. Carved pillars with horse as the common motif. Kalyan mandapas or open pavilions and long multi pillared halls. Exceptionally large gopurams. Fortification of temples with more specious enclosure. Chariots streets paved with stone slabs and lined with pillared pavilions. Large tanks and canals for … Read more

DMPQ: Write down in 20 words about following terms ( RAS) a) The institute of the Christian religion b) Anglicanism c) Inquisition

What is “ the institute of the Christian Religion”? ( 2marker) Ans:                The institute of the Religion was Published in 1536 by John Calvin. It is unquestionably one of the most important books on systematic theology ever written. In this book he rejected the doctrine of Sacraments and aimed at the establishment of a … Read more

DMPQ- Discuss the objective of National career service.

National Career Service is a Five Year Mission Mode Project launched by the Hon’ble Prime Minister on 20th July, 2015. The project is being implemented by the Directorate General of Employment, Ministry of Labour & Employment. National Career Service (NCS) is a one-stop solution that provides a wide array of employment and career related services … Read more

DMPQ- Tribal Health & Nutrition Portal – ‘Swasthya’

e-portal on tribal health and nutrition named ‘Swasthya’, a first of its kind e-portal, providing all health and nutrition related information of the tribal population of India in a single platform. Swasthya will also curate innovative practices, research briefs, case studies, and best practices collected from different parts of India to facilitate the exchange of … Read more

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