DMPQ:What are the provisions of National Telecom Policy,2012?

Key features of National Telecom Policy, 2012  Licensing: It aims to simplify licensing framework by establishing a unified license for all telecom services,converting to a single-license system for the entire country and removing roaming charges. Spectrum: It seeks to liberalise spectrum through a system where spectrum can be pooled, shared and traded.  Connectivity: The policy … Read more

Explain the composition of blood.

Blood circulates in our body and it transport substance like digested food from the small intestine to the other parts of the body. It carries oxygen from lungs to the cells of the body. It also transport waste for removal from the body. Major components of Blood are as follows: Plasma: Plasma is the liquid … Read more

DMPQ- Highlight the key features of The Right to Fair Compensation and Transparency in Land Acquisition, Rehabilitation and Resettlement (Second Amendment) Bill, 2015

Highlights of the Bill This Bill amends the principal Act passed in 2013. The Bill enables the government to exempt five categories of projects from the requirements of: (i) social impact assessment, (ii) restrictions on acquisition of multi-cropped land, and (iii) consent for private projects and public private partnerships (PPPs) projects. The five categories of … Read more

DMPQ:Explain the open market operations of RBI.

Open market operations is the sale and purchase of securities, bills and bonds of government as well as private financial institutions by the Central Bank. This is one of the qualitative too available with the central bank to deal with inflation and money supply in the economy. Functioning:  If the central bank sells these instruments, … Read more

DMPQ- What are the objectives of Smart Cities Mission? Evaluate the mission with sugestive measures.

Objective It aims to promote cities that provide core infrastructure and give a decent quality of life to its citizens, a clean and sustainable environment and application of ‘Smart’ Solutions. It aims to focus on sustainable and inclusive development and to set examples that can be replicated both within and outside the Smart City, catalysing … Read more

DMPQ: Discuss the structure of Atmosphere.

The atmosphere can be divided into five layers according to the diversity of temperature and density. (a) Troposphere :-It is the lowest layer of the atmosphere. The height of this layer is about 18 kms on the equator and 8 kms on the poles. The main reason of higher height at the equator is due … Read more

DMPQ- . How does pressure belt’s movement affect the formation of various climatic regions across the globe?

Some air movements are the result of the systematic pressure gradients that arise from latitudinal changes in the Earth’s surface temperature. One notable example is the Hadley Cell, a movement of warm air from the tropics that rises, flows toward the poles and then cools and sinks at around 30 degrees north and south of … Read more

DMPQ- Write short note on Voluntary retention route.

‘Voluntary Retention Route’ (VRR) to encourage Foreign Portfolio Investors (FPIs) to undertake long-term investments in Indian debt markets. Under this scheme, FPIs have been given greater operational flexibility in terms of instrument choices besides exemptions from certain regulatory requirements. The details are as under: -The aggregate investment limit shall be ₹ 40,000 crores for VRR-Govt … Read more

DMPQ- The average landholding in India is on decline. Discuss the ill effects of low average land holding.

As per Agriculture Census 2015-16, the average size of operational holding has declined to 1.08 hectare in 2015-16 as compared to 1.15 hectare in 2010-11. The small and marginal holdings (10 ha) are merely 0.57% of the total land holdings. Challenges faced by farmers due to fragmentation of land: Low productivity: Small and fragmented landholdings … Read more

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