DMPQ: Why Renaissance began only in Italy and Nowhere else? Discuss the characteristics and Impact of Renaissance?

Italy was a rich country. Italian businessmen became so influential that it didn’t care of feudal lords and pope.  Growth of Business in Italy necessitated new trend in education which laid emphasis on vocational and geographical knowledge. Italy was birth place of Roman civilisation. People were obsessed with thoughts of enhancing prestige of their country … Read more

DMPQ: Explain the State Government initiatives for Ease of doing business.

Gujarat: Online consent system for environment clearances Geographic Information System (GIS)-based land identification system Maharashtra: Unified process with single identification for Value Added Tax and Professional Tax registration Time required for getting an electricity connection has been reduced to 21 days from 67 days and procedures involved has been cut down to 3 from existing … Read more

DMPQ- Write a short note on Big Data.

Big data is the huge amount of data which is present in an unprocessed way. It is a complex data. Big data is characterised by 3 Vs ie. Volume of data, velocity of data i.e. processed and complex variety of data. Big data has various useful application. The application of Big data can be seen … Read more

DMPQ- Parsi religious reform movement in British India enabled the Parsis to became socially the most westernized section of Indian society. Justify.

Religious reform began among the Parsis in Mumbai in the middle of the 19th century. In 1851, the Rehnumai Maz’dayasan Sabha or Religious Reform Association was founded by Nauroji Furdonji, Dadabhai Naoroji, S.S. Bengalee and others. They started a journal Rast Goftar, for the purpose of social-religious reforms among the Parsis. They also played an … Read more

DMPQ: Eventhough Non cooperation movement failed to achieve its objective but it gave direction to the national movement.

The goal of Non cooperation movement was swaraj. Though, the goal of swaraj was not achieved, the non cooperation movement had achieved lot of intangible benefits which have furthered the cause of national struggle. The advantage rendered by NCM are discussed here under: Wide spread participation: It reach among many sections of Indian peasants, workers, … Read more

DMPQ-Lust for Gold is a social feature of society but its repercussion on economy are negative in nature. Comment.

India imports 40% of the World’s total production of Gold, making India as the top importer of Gold metal. India imports approx 1000 tons of Gold per year. The imports are mainly from China, USA, Australia, South Africa and Russia. In India, approx 4000 tons of gold is lying idle in Temples, and approx 15000 … Read more

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