DMPQ- Give a brief description about Sangam literature.

Sangama literature was produced in the early four centuries of the Christian era, although it was finally compiled by 600 AD. Poets who in these assemblies were patronised by kings and chieftains produced the Sangama literature over a period of three to four centuries. Poets, bards and writers, authors came from various parts of South … Read more

DMPQ Premium-State the consequences of Maratha attack on Chattishgarh.

In 1742, Maratha Commander Bhasker Pant attacked this area and finishedHaihai dynasty. In the changing historic events Bhasker Pant was murderedbrutaly in Cuttack and Raghunath Singh once again became free frommarathas. Mohan Singh was seated on the throne and who ruled till 1758. In 1745 A.D. after conquering the region by Maratha, they deposed Raghunath … Read more

DMPQ: Gandhiji decided to initiate limited satyagraha on an individual basis by a few selected individuals” What were the objectives of launching Individual satyagraha? Why it was launched? ( History)

The Britishers were not in a position to give in to any of the demand of the congress till the later came into any agreement with the leaders. Hence to demolish this adamant position Congress asked Gandhiji to take command. Gandhiji decided to initiate a limited satyagraha on individual basis. The demand of satyagrahi would … Read more

DMPQ-What do you understand by the term seeker technology and 5G Technology?

  Seeker Technology :The seeker technology is a critical technology that determines the accuracy of a missile. So far, the seeker technology had come from Russia.   The technology is a closely guarded secret.  Mastering it is a significant milestone in missile technology and would reduce import dependence.  The seeker was developed by Research Centre Imarat … Read more

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