DMPQ- Short note on ITCZ

The Intertropical Convergence Zone, or ITCZ, is the region that circles the Earth, near the equator, where the trade winds of the Northern and Southern Hemispheres come together. The intense sun and warm water of the equator heats the air in the ITCZ, raising its humidity and making it buoyant. Aided by the convergence of … Read more

DMPQ- Critically evaluate the causes of 1857 revolt.

. The causes of the revolt of 1857, like those of earlier uprisings, emerged from all aspects—socio-cultural, economic and political—of daily existence of Indian population cutting through all sections and classes. These causes are discussed below: Economic Causes The colonial policies of the East India Company destroyed the traditional economic fabric of the Indian society. … Read more

DMPQ-Write short note on the Amravati school of art.

Amaravati School represents the evolution of uniquely beautiful regional art style based on a thriving commercial and imperial system. The Amravati Stupas began about the time of Christ but the perfection of form and proportion seen in the middle phase of Amaravati as well as some of the themes continued to influence art at Nagarjuankonda … Read more

DMPQ- Write a short note on the outcome Budgeting.

Budget is the annual financial statement of income and expenditure of government. The Constitution of India has a provision (Art. 112) for such a document called Annual Financial Statement to be presented in the Parliament before the commencement of every new fiscal year—popular as the Union Budget. The budget is prepared by the Budget Division … Read more

DMPQ: Organic farming is one of the solution for sustainable agriculture. In this context discuss the salient features of paramparagat Krishi vikas yojana. ( schemes)

Use of  excessive pesticide has rendered the soil in poor shape.  According to the economic survey the prescribed ratio for N:P:K is 4:2:1. But farmers pattern of use of fertilisers is way distorted. Hence Pramparagat Krishi Vikas Yojana has been launched by GOI for promotion of commercial organic production through certified organic farming. Features of … Read more

DMPQ- Why congress ministries resigned on the eve of World war II and what were the consequences?

Provincial elections were held in British India in the winter of 1936-37 as mandated by the Government of India Act 1935. Elections were held in eleven provinces – Madras, Central Provinces, Bihar, Orissa, United Provinces, Bombay Presidency, Assam, NWFP, Bengal, Punjab and Sindh.The final results of the elections were declared in February 1937. The Indian … Read more

DMPQ: Enumerate the characteristics of 1857 revolt.

( Incorporate introduction in your own words) It was spread to various sections of India. Undoubtedly revolt began as sepoy mutiny, but it was not confined to army only. All those sections of Indian population whose interest had suffered under British rule had taken part in the revolt. In avadh and Bihar, the masses had … Read more

DMPQ: Write the causes of decline of traditional cottage industries in India

Causes of Decline: Decline of Indian courts: The disappearance of Indian courts struck the first blow at Indian handicrafts. As native states passed under British rule, the demand for fine articles, for display in durbars and other ceremonial occasions disappeared. The ordinary demand did continue for sometime longer, but the younger generation lacked the means … Read more

DMPQ- Why is Startup Ecosystems a crucial pillar in realizing Atmnirbhar Bharat?

Startups need Institutional Support, Easing Compliances, Relaxation in Public Procurement norms, Incubation support, Seed Funding Support, Venture Funding Support, and Awareness & Outreach. centre and states, coming together in the spirit of cooperation, collaboration and competition to promote startups, is really an important development. startups are the store-house of talent, knowledge and ideas. Women entrepreneurs … Read more

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