DMPQ-Comment on IndiGen.

IndiGen Programme aims to undertake whole genome sequence of thousands of individuals representing diverse ethnic groups from India. It also strives to enable genetic epidemiology and develop public health technologies applications using population genome data. IndiGen  project selected the 1000-odd persons from a pool of about 5,000 and sought to include representatives from every state … Read more

DMPQ- Explain the role of Bioremediation in environment friendly waste disposal process.

. Bioremediation is a branch of biotechnology that employs the use of living organisms, like microbes and bacteria, in the removal of contaminants, pollutants, and toxins from soil, water, and other environments. Bioremediation may be used to clean up contaminated groundwater or environmental problems, such as oil spills. Bioremediation relies on stimulating the growth of … Read more

DMPQ- List out the Importance of Medical Microbiology.

  Medical microbiology basically deals with the study of microorganisms that are both beneficial and harmful to both human and animal majorly. Branches of medical microbiology include Virology, Bacteriology, Parasitology and Mycology etc. Following are some of the major important features of the medical microbiology. The major importance of medical microbiology is that it helps … Read more

What is nanotechnology? Write down its application and mention programmes initiated by government of India?

Nanoscience and Nanotechnology involves the concept of manipulating the extremely small things at nanoscale. At nanoscale things behave differently and this properties can be utilised across various fields of science like chemistry, biology, medicine, physics and material science. Nanotechnology has various application: Medicine: Nanoparticle can be used as effective drug deliver. This will help to … Read more

DMPQ: Explain: Prahaar,  Sagarika, Shaurya

Prahaar –            The Prahaar is India’s latest surface-to-surface missile with a range of 150 kms. The primary objective of the conventionally armed Prahaar missile is to bridge the gap between the unguided Pinaka multi-barrel rocket launcher (ranging 45 kms) and the guided Prithvi missile variants. Stated to be a unique missile, the Prahaar boasts of … Read more

DMPQ- How do extremophiles like some bacteria and archaeans survive in environments without oxygen?

Anaerobic respiration occurs without oxygen and involves the consumption of another molecule (nitrate, sulfur, iron, carbon dioxide, etc.) instead of oxygen. Unlike in fermentation, anaerobic respiration involves the formation of an electrochemical gradient by an electron transport system that results in the production of a number of ATP molecules. Unlike in aerobic respiration, the final … Read more

DMPQ: Montreal protocol has been one of the rarest treaty that achieve success. What is Montreal protocol all about?

Montreal protocol  is a treaty signed in 1987 to ban ozone depletion substance like CFC’s and HCFC which were used in refrigerators and Air conditioner. India is also one of the signatories of Montreal protocol. The Montreal Protocol has proven to be innovative and successful, and is the first treaty to achieve universal ratification by … Read more

DMPQ- What are the main Branches of medicine ?

There are many branches in medicine. Here are some of them. Anatomy: This is the study of the physical structure of the body. Biochemistry: A biochemist studies chemical components and how they affect the body. Biomechanics: This focuses on the structure of biological systems in the body and how they work, using a mechanical approach. … Read more

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