DMPQ- Write a short note on Foot and mouth disease

It is an infectious and sometimes fatal viral disease. Affects cloven-hoofed animals, including domestic and wild bovids. The virus causes a high fever for two or three days, followed by blisters inside the mouth and on the feet that may rupture and cause lameness. The virus responsible for the disease is a picornavirus, the prototypic … Read more

DMPQ-What do you understand by surrogacy? Why ban on commercial surrogacy was proposed in the recent bill tabled in Parliament?

Surrogacy as a practice where a woman gives birth to a child for an intending couple with the intention to hand over the child after the birth to intending couple. Currently, Surrogacy regulation bill was passed in Lok sabha where total ban on commercial surrogacy was made. Why the need to regulate surrogacy: There was … Read more

What is ecosystem? Goods and services provided by the ecosystem are immense. Discuss

An ecosystem is defined as the structural and functional unit of biosphere consisting of community of living beings and the physical environment, both interacting and exchanging materials between them. Ecosystems vary greatly in size and elements, but each is a functioning unit of nature. There are two components of ecosystems i.e. biotic and abiotic. Ecosytems … Read more

DMPQ- Cryogenic engine. (SCIENCE)

A Cryogenic rocket stage is more efficient and provides more thrust for every kilogram of propellant it burns compared to solid and earth-storable liquid propellant rocket stages. Specific impulse (a measure of the efficiency) achievable with cryogenic propellants (liquid Hydrogen and liquid Oxygen) is much higher compared to earth storable liquid and solid propellants, giving … Read more

DMPQ- What is S-400 system and how it is going to be beneficial For India?

Missile defence is a system, weapon or technology involved in detection, tracking, interception and tracking of attacking missiles. The United States, Russia, China, India, Israel and France have all developed such air defence systems.Surface-to-air missile is a missile designed to destroy aircraft or other missiles. Attempts to develop them started during World War II and … Read more

DMPQ:Recently Hyperloop technology was in news as Maharashtra Government approved the Virgin Hyperloop DP-world consortium and a hyperloop track between Mumbai and Pune. What is the working Principle of Hyperloop technology?

Working Principle: Passengers or cargo are loaded on the Hyperloop vehicle that accelerates gradually via electric Propulsion through a low pressure tube. Its Vehicles are propelled using a linear electric motor, which is a straightened out version of a conventional rotary motor. The speed of conventional trains — and all land based transport — is … Read more

DMPQ-Explain the concept of functioning of Thermoelectric Generator.

Thermoelectric power generators are the devices which used to convert temperature difference between two junctions into electrical energy. A working of thermoelectric generator is based on Seebeck effect.  According to which, a loop of two dissimilar metal develops an emf when the two junctions are kept at different temperature. That is why it is also referred as Seebeck … Read more

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