What is navigation satellite? India launched IRNSS recently, what is IRNSS? What are its application?

Navigation satellite is a system which provides system of artificial satellite that helps in providing autonomous geospatial positioning. It helps to provide positioning information regarding local time to high precision. Global positioning system launched(GPS) by NASA is an example of it. India Launched Indian regional navigation satellite system called IRNSS. It is a constellation of … Read more

DMPQ- Explain the spinal cord and its functions

The spinal cord, running almost the full length of the back, carries information between the brain and body, but also carries out other tasks.  From the brainstem, where the spinal cord meets the brain, 31 spinal nerves enter the cord.  Along its length, it connects with the nerves of the peripheral nervous system (PNS) that … Read more

DMPQ:Write in brief on e-waste management.

The rapid growth of technology, upgradation of technical innovations and a high rate of obsolescence in the electronics industry have led to one of the fastest growing waste streams in the world which consist of end of life electrical and electronic equipment products. It comprises a whole range of electrical and electronic items such as … Read more

DMPQ: What is immunity? Explain the types of immunity?

Immunity is the ability of the body to fight against infectious agents. The immunity can be classified as innate immunity and acquired immunity. Innate immunityis a non-specific type of defense mechanism.  It has four types: i) Physical barrier: Example, skin covering of the body, secretion of mucous in the respiratory tract ii)Physiological barrier: Example, acid in the … Read more

DMPQ- Describe India’s institutional framework for cybersecurity.

National Cybersecurity Coordination Centre (NCCC) It is India’s cyberspace intelligence agency which will conduct security and electronic surveillance. It aims to screen communications metadata and work in close coordination with various law-enforcement agencies for intelligence gathering. The body, functioning under the IT ministry, would strengthen the country’s cybersecurity posture. Some have expressed concern that the … Read more

DMPQ- Write a short note on DRDO? Enumerate its achievements.

DRDO is the R&D wing of Ministry of Defence, Govt of India, with a vision to empower India with cutting-edge defence technologies and a mission to achieve self-reliance in critical defence technologies and systems, while equipping our armed forces with state-of-the-art weapon systems and equipment in accordance with requirements laid down by the three Services. … Read more

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