
 Oceans – Bottom Relief Four major divisions can easily be identified on the ocean floor: The continental shelf, the continental slope, the continental rise, the abyssal plain. Besides these, there are many associated features—ridges, hills, seamounts, guyots, trenches, canyons, sleeps, fracture zones, island arcs, atolls, coral reefs, submerged volcanoes and sea-scarps. This great … Read more

Oceanic Resources Of India And Their Potential

 Oceanic resources of India and their potential Oceans are the world’s single largest ecosystem, covering nearly three-fourths of the earth’s surface, thereby providing a massive arena for emerging complex and interconnected development issues such as climate change, livelihoods, commerce, and security. According to estimates by the Global Ocean Commission, ocean resources contribute five … Read more


 – Bottom Relief Four major divisions can easily be identified on the ocean floor: The continental shelf, the continental slope, the continental rise, the abyssal plain. Besides these, there are many associated features—ridges, hills, seamounts, guyots, trenches, canyons, sleeps, fracture zones, island arcs, atolls, coral reefs, submerged volcanoes and sea-scarps. This great variety of … Read more

Urban Spheres Of Influence And Rural Urban Fringe

 Urban spheres of influence and rural urban fringe Urban spheres of influence Urban spheres of influence reflect centre-to-hinterland relationship, compared with the non-central region, the centre assumes more complex economic functions, and provides more economic activities. Famous theoretical contributions to this research field are the Central Place Theory (Christaller, 1933), the extension to … Read more

Water Resources

  Rainfall: With an average annual rainfall of 1,170 mm, India is one of the wettest countries in the world. At one extreme are areas like Cherrapunji, in the northeast, which is drenched each year with 11,000 mm of rainfall, and at the other extreme are places like Jaisalmer, in the west, which receives barely … Read more

Agro Food Processing Forming Village Clusters And Establishing Food Storage (2)

 Agro Food Processing: Forming village clusters and establishing Food Storage, Food Processing Industry is of enormous significance for India’s development because of the vital linkages and synergies that it promotes between the two pillars of the economy, namely Industry and Agriculture. India is world’s second largest producer of food and has the potential … Read more

Hydrological Cycle

 Water cycle, also called hydrologic cycle, cycle that involves the continuous circulation of water in the Earth-atmosphere system. Of the many processes involved in the water cycle, the most important are evaporation, transpiration, condensation, precipitation, and runoff. Although the total amount of water within the cycle remains essentially constant, its distribution among the various … Read more

Energy Resources

 Sources of Energy: Conventional and Nonconventional Sources – Energy is one of the most important component of economic infrastructure. It is the basic input required to sustain economic growth. There is direct relation between the level of economic development and per capita energy consumption. Simply speaking more developed a country, higher … Read more

Origin Of The Monsoon

 Origin of the Monsoon:   Classcial Theories: Halley’s Thermal concept: Indian monsoon is because of contrast between Indian Subcontinent and adjoining Indian Ocean. Halley’s theory, suggested in 1686, considers the summer monsoon to be a regional phenomenon. Aerological concept: This was suggested by R. Scherhag in 1948. According to this theory, monsoon circulation develops … Read more

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