Student Unrest

 Student’s unrest Students’ unrest is characterised by “collective discon­tent, dysfunctional conditions in educational institutions and concern (of public and students) for change in existing norms”. Students ‘agitations, on the other hand, are characterised by ‘action based on the feeling of injus­tice, identifying source of discontent, frustration and deprivation, emergence of leadership, mobilisation for … Read more

Comparative Study Of Indian And Western Philosophy (5)

 Comparative study of Indian and western philosophy To characterize Indian philosophy as wholly spiritualistic is as much wrong as to characterize Western philosophy as wholly materialistic. Nor can we say Western philosophy is wholly scientific, rational and ethical, while Indian philosophy is wholly apologetic based on faith and mysticism. Such characterization is wrong … Read more

1. Indus Valley Civilization

 Indus Valley Civilization   Indus Valley Civilization was the first major civilization in south Asia, which spread across a vast area of land in present day India and Pakistan (around 12 lakh The time period of mature Indus Valley Civilization is estimated between BC. 2700- BC.1900 i.e. for 800 years. But early … Read more

The Bahmani Sultanate

                                                                    The Bahmani Sultanate The Bahmani kingdom came into existence in 1347AD. Alauddin Hasan, an Afghan, founded the Sultanate after revolted against the  Bin Tuglaq, sultan of Delhi. He ruled it under the title of Bahaman Shah. He was also known as Hasan Gangu, as he had risen in the servise of a … Read more

The Gahadavala

 Introduction. The Gahadvala or sometime spelled as Gadhwal is a Suryavanshi Kshatriya dynasty that ruled the kingdom of Kannauj for approximately a hundred years, beginning in the late eleventh century. Rajput Rathore claim being descendants of Gaharwars   Rebuilding the Kannuj Kingdom. The Kannauj kingdom was established in the tenth century by Som … Read more

Important Jain Sites In Uttar Pradesh

 Shri Ahichchhatra Tirth Geographic location: It is near the Ramnagar village of district Bareilly. Various Jain idols and inscriptions found during the land excavations tell us about the historical importance of this place.This place is known for ages for the event that took place while BhagwanParshwanatha attained ‘KevalGyan’ here through deep ‘Tapashcharan’.In the … Read more

Lord Ellenborough

   Lord Ellenborough, 1842-44   INTRODUCTION   Lord Ellenborough served as the Governor General of India from 28 February 1842 to 15 June 1844. He is credited with bringing the Afghan War to an end.  His tenure of office was marked by a successful expedition to Kabul which went a long way … Read more

Indian Freedom Struggle 5

 Gandhi-Irwin Pact This pact was signed between Mahatma Gandhi and the then Viceroy of India, Lord Irwin on 5 March 1931. Salient features of this act were as following: 1. The Congress would participate in the Round Table Conference. 2. The Congress would discontinue the Civil Disobedience Movement. 3. The Government would withdraw … Read more

Struggle For Emancipation Of Dalits And Their Empowerment

 Struggle for emancipation of Dalits and their empowerment Dalit empowerment Dalit empowerment may be defined as a process of gaining control by Dalits as a community over self, ideology, material and knowledge resources, which determine power relationship in a society. As a political process, Dalit empowerment challenges the prevailing power structure of subordination … Read more

Indian Freedom Struggle 8

 SECOND WORLD WAR AND INDIAN NATIONALISTS  In September 1939, the Second World War broke out. Indian opinion was not sought but the British government dragged India in the war as a party. Britain which claimed to be fighting for freedom had destroyed the freedom of the Indian people and had dragged India into … Read more

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