DMPQ- Throw light on India’s contribution to UN peacekeeping missions.

India continued to push for greater priority to be given within the UN system for the global counter-terrorism effort. It was repeatedly highlighted that the international community needed to strengthen its legal framework that supported international counter-terrorism cooperation by reaching agreement on the Comprehensive Convention on International Terrorism (CCIT), and ensure greater transparency and effectiveness … Read more

DMPQ- What is Gilgit-Baltistan conflict? Critically evaluate the geostrategic importance of the region.

The Gilgit Baltistan was a region of princely state of Jammu Kashmir ruled by Maharaja Hari Singh. Before independence; a rebellion occurred and rebels established an independent rule for a short time. After that; keeping view of the Muslim predominance in the region; it has been merged with Pakistan. The significance of Gilgit and Baltistan … Read more

DMPQ- Critically evaluate the ‘Freedom to offend’ issue in light of recent terrorist attack in France.

The case of Charlie Hebdo Outright violence broke out in early 2015 when the satirical newspaper Charlie Hebdo published a series of cartoons depicting Prophet Mohammad in improper ways, considered blasphemous in Islam. Two brothers of Algerian descent broke into the premises of the newspaper and murdered 11 people in cold blood including the chief … Read more

DMPQ- Evaluate critically the role of Mikhail Gorbachev in the fall of Soviat union.

Mikhail Gorbachev is one of the prominent figures who are believed to have had their part in bringing the end to the Cold War. It may also be said that he is the most controversial character among them. We have seen a multitude of contrasting opinions about the motivations and consequences of Gorbachev’s statesmanship, ranging … Read more

DMPQ- Write a short note on FATF.

The Financial Action Task Force (FATF) is the global money laundering and terrorist financing watchdog. The inter-governmental body sets international standards that aim to prevent these illegal activities and the harm they cause to society. As a policy-making body, the FATF works to generate the necessary political will to bring about national legislative and regulatory … Read more

DMPQ- Explain why panchsheel spirit did not last long between India-China bilateral relations .

India always wanted to have friendly relationships with China as both have borne the brunt of colonialism and it was evident in its recognition of Communist China right from the beginning in 1950, support of China in Korea war and support of China in UNSC seat. India also raised little objection over Chinese occupation over … Read more

DMPQ- What is International North–South Transport Corridor ? Discuss it’s geostrategic importance for india.

The International North-South Transport Corridor is a 7200 km-long multimodal transportation network that links the Indian Ocean to the Caspian Sea via the Persian Gulf onwards into Russia and Northern Europe. Launched as a joint initiative by India, Iran and Russia in 2000 and ratified by the three in 2002, the corridor has now expanded … Read more

DMPQ-“Congress of Vienna, 1814 was an effort of European powers to reinstate the older Europe.” Explain.

. After defeat of Napoleon in battle of Waterloo, Prince Metternich Chancellor of Austria convened Congress of European Powers in Vienna. It was a first of its kind diplomatic meet in which all concerned powers affected by Napoleon attended.  After end of napoleon’s reign, European heads met from 1814 to 1815 in Vienna to settle … Read more

DMPQ- Do you agree that Non alignment movement is quickly becoming irrelevant in india’s foreign policy.

. The working of the foreign policy of India since the 1990s has resulted in a happy note with the simultaneous expansion of good relations with the all major powers, growing importance in Asia and the Indian Ocean regions and growing importance in the international system. India is bound to change according to world politics … Read more

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