DMPQ: Explain the composition of UNSC. (IR)

The Security Council has primary responsibility for the maintenance of International peace and security. The council has 15 members: 5 Permanent – US, UK, Russia, France and China and 10 members elected by the General Assembly for 2-year terms. While other organs of the UN can only make ―recommendation to member states, the Security Council … Read more

DMPQ: India has shown keen interest on India’s act east policy, Time has come for active west asia policy. Comment (IR)

West Asia is a very important partner in our growth story. It has huge strategical and economical relevance for India. West asia absorb huge amount of labour( lower section).  Around 7 million Indian works in West Asia. It provide huge amount of remittance and hence it is of great importance. West Asia also ensure our … Read more


CITES stands for convention on International Trade in Endangered species of wild flora and fauna. It was drafted as a result of a resolution adopted in 1963 at a meeting of members of the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN). The Conference aims to control or prevent international commercial trade in endangered species or … Read more

DMPQ- The Asia Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC)

The Asia Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) was established in 1989 as an informal Ministerial-level dialogue group with twelve members. Today APEC has 21 member economies spread out over four continents. APEC Member Economies work together to sustain economic growth through a commitment to open trade, investment and economic reform. This is accomplished by progressively reducing … Read more

DMPQ: India and the United States have built a strong and strategic bilateral relationship and continues to contribute the stability and prosperity of the world. Why India matters to USA? ( India -USA)

Reasons: India’s geographical location has make India indispensable for USA. It lies closer to the arc of instability i.e Middle east, Afghan, Pak, neighbour of China. With rise of Asian economies stake in Indian ocean is on rise. India can be valuable partner. (70 percent of ship-borne oil and petroleum traffic transiting through its waters.) … Read more

DMPQ- Trace out the historical bilateral relation between India and Bangladesh

Indian government believe in maintaining good relations with neighbouring countries. Bangladesh is one of its close neighbour. India had recognised Bangladesh as a separate and independent state, did so on 6 December 1971. India fought together with the Bangladeshis to liberate Bangladesh from West Pakistan in 1971. Bangladesh and India share a common tradition. They … Read more

DMPQ: SHangari-la dialogue

The Shangri-La Dialogue (SLD) is a “Track One” inter-governmental security forum held annually by an independent think tank, the International Institute for Strategic Studies (IISS) which is attended by defense ministers, permanent heads of ministries and military chiefs of 28 Asia-Pacific states. The forum gets its name from the Shangri-La Hotel in Singapore where it … Read more

DMPQ- . In Northeast Asia, growing tensions around the Korean Peninsula are likely, with the possibility of a confrontation in the coming years. Justify

Kim Jong Un is consolidating his grip on power through a combination of patronage and dread and is doubling down on his nuclear and missile programs, developing long-range missiles that may soon endanger the continental USA. Beijing, Seoul, Tokyo, and Washington have a shared incentive to handle security risks in Northeast Asia, but a history … Read more

Discuss the following: a) Corruption perception index b) Press freedom index c) Global peace index d) World investment report

a) Corruption perception index: Released by berlin based non- government organisation Transparency International. India’s ranking slid to 81 among a group of 180 countries. b) Press freedom index: The Press Freedom Index is an annual ranking of countries compiled and published byReporters without Borders based upon the organisation’s own assessment of thecountries’ press freedom records … Read more

DMPQ: . Write a short note on G20. (IR)

G20 is an international forum for the governments and central bank governors from 20 major economies.  Members are Canada, France, Germany, Italy, Japan, United Kingdom, United States, Russia, Australia, Canada, Saudi Arabia, India, South Africa, Turkey, Argentina, Brazil, Mexico, China and Indonesia.   It was founded with the aim of studying, reviewing, and promoting high level … Read more

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