DMPQ:What are the Major issues between India and China?

Issues are as follows: Border dispute between India and China: Issue of River sharing, Construction of dams on brahamputra river Growing China-Pak Nexus, Pakistan offering disputed area with India to CHINA for creation of OBOR, China Pakistan Economic Corridor China not supporting India at international level like not supporting India forNSG membership. Development of Strategic … Read more

DMPQ: India has adopted an adhoc administrative policy to accord protection to refugee ever since independence. Discuss the issues attached with this outlook.

India has adopted an adhoc administrative policy to accord protection to refugees ever since independence. This poses following problems: India itself a developing country with huge population so problem related to lack of basic amenities. No law to regulate statues,entry,rights and rehabilitation of refugees. No distinction between foreigner and refugee in the country, who are … Read more

DMPQ: What is the significance of high quantum of Diaspora?

As per the ‘World Migration Report (2018)’, published by the International Organisation for Migration, the Indian diaspora constitutes 6% of the total number of international migrants . The population of overseas Indian increased from 6.7 million in 1990 to 16 million in 2015. However, if computed as a percentage of the world’s population, the growth of … Read more

DMPQ- Short Note on Asia Pacific Trade Agreement?

The Asia-Pacific Trade Agreement (APTA) was signed in 1975 as an initiative of UN- Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific (UNESCAP).  It is previously named the Bangkok Agreement.  There are 6-member states to APTA – Bangladesh, China, India, South Korea, Laos and Sri Lanka.  Mongolia is soon to become the 7th member … Read more

DMPQ- Assumption island and its importance.

Assumption Island, a single coral island, belongs to the Outer Islands District of Seychelles.With only a small village on the sheltered western side and a 1,210-m concrete airfield running from there to the southeastern coast, the island’s few inhabitants, mostly farmers and fishermen, have to go to Victoria (the capital) for government services. The island’s … Read more

DMPQ- Terrorism has been used as a Tool of National Policy Of Pakistan. Comment

Pakistan has been accused by India, Afghanistan, the United States, the United Kingdom and many other countries of involvement in terrorism in Kashmir and Afghanistan. In July 2009, current President of Pakistan Asif Ali Zardari admitted that the Pakistani government had “created and nurtured” terrorist groups to achieve its short-term foreign policy goals. According to … Read more

DMPQ-In Northeast Asia, growing tensions around the Korean Peninsula are likely, with the possibility of a confrontation in the coming years. Justify with current developements.

Kim Jong Un is consolidating his grip on power through a combination of patronage and dread and is doubling down on his nuclear and missile programs, developing long-range missiles that may soon endanger the continental USA. Beijing, Seoul, Tokyo, and Washington have a shared incentive to handle security risks in Northeast Asia, but a history … Read more

What is Asia Africa growth corridor? Discuss its relevance.

The Asia-Africa Growth Corridor is an India-Japan economic cooperation agreement aimed at the socio-economic development of Asia and Africa.  The vision document for AAGC was released by India in the 2017 African Development Bank meeting.The aim of the Asia-Africa Growth Corridor is to develop infrastructure and digital connectivity in Africa through Indo-Japan collaboration. The AAGC … Read more

DMPQ: Write a short note on IMT trilateral Highway.

The 1,000 km India-Myanmar-Thailand Trilateral Highway will run from Moreh in Manipur to Mae Sot in Thailand via Myanmar. The highway will facilitate easy movement of goods and people among the three countries.This is NHAI’s first international project agreement. The project has been funded by Ministry of External Affairs, Government of India and would be … Read more

DMPQ: Write short note on NATO. (IR)

The North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO), also called the North Atlantic Alliance, is an intergovernmental military alliance between 29 North American and European countries based on the North Atlantic Treaty that was signed on 4 April 1949.NATO constitutes a system of collective defence whereby its independent member states agree to mutual defence in response to an attack by any external party. The combined military spending … Read more

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