DMPQ:Directive Principles of States Policy is not an effective tool and they are just constitutional instrument without much substance. Discuss.

DPSP prima facie appears to be not an effective tool as they are non justiciable, non enforceable unlike Fundamental rights. Further their implementation are at the will of the Politicians and law makers.  But outright rejection of DPSP and terming them ineffective will be injustice to the constitution makers. They have their own benefits: Dr … Read more

DMPQ- . Explain the structure and functions of the National Commission for Scheduled Tribes in India.

Composition of NCST  The Commission comprises a Chairperson, a Vice-Chairperson and three full time members (including one lady member).  The term of office Chairperson, Vice-Chairperson and Member of NCST is three years from the date of assumption of charge.  The Chairperson has been given the rank of Union Cabinet Minister The Vice-Chairperson has the rank … Read more

DMPQ- What were India’s challenges vis-à-vis tribal integration after independence and how government of India resolved them.

British colonial rule left them in gross suspicion and insecure and their ‘integration’ into Indian nation became a challenge as India had already witnessed the ill effects of policies of ‘isolation’ and ‘assimilation’ in past. So, Nehru and other leaders saw a middle path in form of integrative approach and said ‘tribal areas have to … Read more

DMPQ: EVM offer a smooth way for functioning of polling and result declaration but still they are always under radar. In this context , explain the advantage of EVM over ballot and the concern raised against its use

Advantage of EVM: Saving of lot of papers and hence eco-friendly. Time saver as result declaration does not take too much of time. It reduces the chance of booth capturing. No bogus vote and no double vote. EVM can be run on 6 volt battery. Concerns associated with EVM Hacking and manipulation of EVM.( even … Read more

DMPQ- “The Linguistic Reorganization of the States became the base of reorganization of India after independence.” Elucidate.

The reorganization of the states on the basis of language, a major aspect of national consolidation and integration, came to the fore almost immediately after independence. The boundaries of provinces in pre-1947 India had been drawn in a haphazard manner as the British conquest of India had proceeded for nearly a hundred years. No heed … Read more

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