DMPQ: What is local self government? What is the significance of local self government?( Polity)

Local self government is the govt. at the grass root level which looks after the administration at the local level. It give representation to the local people and possess fairly large measure of autonomy , raising atleast a part of its revenue locally and spending it on activities that are considered local. Significance: Provide foundation … Read more

DMPQ:Legislative Council is just a dilatory chamber. Its power is nowhere near Rajya Sabha. Comment

The constitution gives Councils limited legislative powers. Unlike Rajya Sabha which has substantial powers to shape non-financial legislation, Legislative Councils lack the constitutional mandate to do so. Legislative Assemblies have the power to override suggestions/amendments made to a legislation by the Council.The Rajya Sabha has equal powers with the Lok Sabha in all spheres except … Read more

DMPQ- What are the compulsory provisions which are binding on all States under 74th Constitutional Amendment ?

Some of the compulsory provisions which are binding on all States are: Constitution of Nagar panchayats, municipal councils and municipal corporations in transitional areas (areas in transition from a rural area to urban area), smaller urban areas and larger urban areas respectively; Reservation of seats in urban local bodies for Scheduled Castes / Scheduled Tribes … Read more

DMPQ-Criminalisation of Politics in a mature democracy is sad state of affair. Discuss the reasons for rise in Criminalisation of Politics in India and also give solution to address the issue.

There has been increase in the MP’s with criminal cases in the last 20 years. Currently 43% of the MP’s are with Criminal background and it is not good for Political ecosystem and governance is the ultimate sufferer. The major reasons for rise in Criminalisation of Politics are: Use od money power and opaqueness in … Read more

DMPQ:What are the salient features of National Electronic Policy?

The Union Cabinet  gave its approval to the National Policy on Electronics 2019 (NPE 2019), proposed by the Ministry of Electronics and Information Technology (MeitY). The Policy envisions positioning India as a global hub for Electronics System Design and Manufacturing – (ESDM) by encouraging and driving capabilities in the country for developing core components, including … Read more

DMPQ: What are the tools through which judiciary has a control executive? (polity)

Tools:   President speech is put to vote. Financial control: Budget discussion Audit report submission by CAG Reports of the estimates committee and Public accounts committee Other form of control: Question hour Calling attention motion Short discussions Zero hour No confidence motion Confidence motion Committee on assurances Committee on subordinate legislation      

DMPQ:What is the difference between the V schedule and VI schedule of the constitution?

While both the areas under 5th schedule and 6th schedule have dominance of the tribal people, constitution calls them with different names as Scheduled Area under 5th schedule while Tribal areas under 6th schedule. While executive powers of the union extend in Scheduled areas with respect to their administration in 5th schedule; the 6th schedule areas remain … Read more

DMPQ- What are the main components of good governance?

The three defining indicators that have emerged as main components of good governance, effectively reinforcing democratic principle 1. Transparency and Accessibility: Transparency is described as the “characteristic of governments, companies, organisations and individuals of being open in the clear disclosure of information rules, plans, processes and actions”. 2. Accountability and Timelines: Administrative transparency is a … Read more

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