DMPQ: Write a note on Nirbhaya Fund

The Ministry of Finance, Government of Indi had set up a dedicated fund called Nirbhaya Fund in 2013, for implementation of initiatives aimed at enhancing the safety and security for women in the country. • It is a non-lapsable corpus fund. • Various schemes and programmes, related to security of women, are being implemented under … Read more

DMPQ-. “Article 371-J of Indian constitution gives the President of India certain power to provide that the Governor of Karnataka would have special responsibility for Karnataka.” Elucidate.

. Under Article 371-J, the President is empowered to provide that the Governor of Karnataka would have special responsibility for The establishment of a separate development board for Hyderabad-Karnataka region Making a provision that a report on the working of the board would be placed every year before the State Legislative Assembly The equitable allocation … Read more

DMPQ- What were the amendments made in the child and adolescent labor (prohibition and regulation ) Act, 1986?

A child is permitted to work only to help family, in family enterprise or as child artistafter school hours or during vacations. The amendment has introduced the concept of adolescent labour for the first time. An adolescent has been defined as a person between the ages of 14-18 years. The amendment permit employment of adolescent … Read more

DMPQ- What are the functions and powers of Delimitation Commission of India?

The Delimitation commission or Boundary commission of India is a commission established by the Government of India under the provisions of the Delimitation Commission Act. The main task of the commission is redrawing the boundaries of the various assembly and Lok Sabha constituencies based on a recent census. The representation from each State is not … Read more

DMPQ: NREGA had been projected as the world largest public works project for the generation of jobs. The scheme was well intentioned but had its own set of problems. Discuss the issues with NREGA. ( Scheme evaluation)

  Sluggish peace of work Shoddy implementation Corruption of the executive agencies Deficient institutional management Siphoning of funds Defalcation by intermediaries and middlemen Procedural wrangles Non utilisation and diversion of funds Ritualistic monitoring of programme Indifference towards community mobilisation Delayed payment of wages Fake or ghost jobs Targeted beneficiaries are not even aware about the … Read more

DMPQ- Trace the evolution of Constitutionalisation of Panchayati raj institutions.

.  In 1986, Rajiv Gandhi government appointed a committee on ‘Revitalization of Panchayati Raj Institutions for Democracy and Development’ under the chairmanship of L M Singhvi. It made the following recommendations that the Panchayati Raj institutions should be constitutionally recognized, protected and preserved. For this purpose, a new chapter should be added in the Constitution … Read more

DMPQ- Throw light on important features of fundamental rights enshrined in constitution of India.

The Fundamental Rights guaranteed by the Constitution are characterised by the following: Some of them are available only to the citizens while others are available to all persons whether citizens, foreigners or legal persons like corporations or companies. They are not absolute but qualified. The state can impose reasonable restrictions on them. However, whether such … Read more

DMPQ- National Tribal Research Conclave

Ministry of Tribal affairs is funding 26 Tribal Research Institutes (TRIs) for research under Grant to TRIs and is engaged in quality research in collaboration with reputed Government and Non-Government Organizations (NGOs) spread over the country. Research by TRIs should focus on future development of Tribals and help achieve the goal of ‘Mera Van Mera … Read more

DMPQ:Constitution of India ensured a cordial relation between centre and state. But over the period of time lot of tension areas developed. What are the tension areas between centre and state?

These are as follows: Mode of appointment and dismissal of Governor Discriminatory and partisan role of governor Imposition of president’s rule Deployment of center forces in the states to maintain law and order Reservation of state bills for the consideration of the president Discrimination in financial allocations to the states Role of planning commission (now … Read more

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