DMPQ: . What are the constitutional provisions for Parliamentary session? Recently there has been delay in calling up of winter session of parliament, Discuss the consequence of such scenario?

Constitutional Provision:   Article 85 of the constitution only requires that there should not be a gap of more than six months between two parliamentary sessions.   Parliamentary Convention: Parliament meets for three sessions in a year:   The Budget session which is held towards the beginning of the year   A three-week Monsoon session (July-August) … Read more

DMPQ- What are the changes made in the office of Central Information commission through the amendment of RTI Act?

CIC (After the Right to Information Amendment Act 2019) The RTI Amendment Bill, 2019 (now RTI Amendment Act 2019) amends Sections 13 and 16 of the Right to Information (RTI) Act, 2005. Section 13 of the original Act sets the term of the central Chief Information Commissioner and Information Commissioners at five years (or until … Read more

DMPQ- PradhanmantriSahaj Bijli Har Ghar Yojana.

It is  to provide energy access to all by last mile connectivity and electricity connections to all remaining un-electrified households in rural as well as urban areas to achieve universal household electrification in the country. The electricity connection to households include release of electricity connections by drawing a service cable from the nearest pole to … Read more

DMPQ: What are the objectives and features of Pradhanmantri Krishi Sichai Yojana? ( Government Schemes)

According to the world bank report, agriculture irrigated land is 36% of the total agricultural land. Most of the un irrigated area lies in the poverty hit areas like vidharbha region, bundhelkhand, Telangana plateau etc. As a result of this there is complete dependency on Monsoon which itself is non reliable. Hence Government came up … Read more

DMPQ: CBI autonomy is under serious crisis. Suggest the possible solutions to address the issue. (Polity)

Liberate CBI from political interference:Lokpal should be allowed to decide cases which CBI takes up; CBI to report to Lokpal for investigation of such cases; Lokpal can supervise and oversee CBI. Substitute archaic DPSE act by new CBI act; clearly re-defining the role, jurisdiction and legal powers of CBI. Criminal culpability for political interference. More … Read more

DMPQ- What is the meaning of uniform civil code? Examine its relevance for a secular country like India.

Uniform civil code means that all sections of the society irrespective of their religion shall be Treated equally to a national civil code, which shall be applicable to all uniformly.  It shall cover the civil areas like marriage, divorce, maintenance, inheritance, adoption and succession of the property. Uniform civil code attainment is part of directive … Read more

DMPQ- . Mention the important constitutional provisions inducted to ensure the independence of High court.

. The Constitution has made the following provisions to safeguard and ensure the independent and impartial functioning of a high court. Mode of Appointment The judges of a high court are appointed by the president (which means the cabinet) in consultation with the members of the judiciary itself (i.e., chief justice of India and the … Read more

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