DMPQ- It has been said that in parliamentary system control over government and administration is weak. Do you agree?

. The parliamentary control over government and administration in India is more theoretical than practical. In reality, the control is not as effective as it ought to be. The following factors are responsible for this: The Parliament has neither time nor expertise to control the administration which has grown in volume as well as complexity. … Read more

DMPQ- What are the cases to be entrusted to CBI?

The Investigation & Anti Corruption Division (Delhi Special Police Establishment) was entrusted with the following mandate in the resolution although it continued to derive its jurisdiction and powers from DSPE Act, 1946. Cases in which public servants under the control of the Central Government are involved either by themselves or along with State Government servants … Read more

DMPQ-District Courts

The basis of structuring of district courts in India is mainly depending upon the discretion of the state governments or the union territories. The structure of those courts are mainly made considering several factors like the number of cases, distribution of population, etc. Depending upon those factors the state government takes the decision of numbers … Read more

DMPQ: What is Aadhar and Aadhar ecosystem? What are the advantage of Aadhar?

Aadhaar is a verifiable 12-digit identification number issued by UIDAI to the resident of India for free of cost. Aadhaar ecosystem comprises of core infrastructures with the objective of providing enrolment, update & authentication services. Advantage of Aadhar: We never had a universally acceptable and portable Id. Aadhar is a free initiative and fully inclusive. … Read more

DMPQ- Short note on rental housing scheme.

Affordable rental housing scheme for urban poor including migrants was launched under the aegis of Pradhan mantri awas Yojana. Under this development, government-funded housing in urban areas/cities will be converted into Affordable Rental Housing Complexes (ARHCs). This will be through the public-private partnership (PPP) model. Government housing complexes lying vacant will be converted so that … Read more

DMPQ- Explain the different types of Corruption.

Types Of Corruption Systemic corruption As opposed to exploiting occasional opportunities, endemic or systemic corruption is when corruption is an integrated and essential aspect of the economic, social and political system, when it is embedded in a wider situation that helps sustain it. Systemic corruption is not a special category of corrupt practice, but rather … Read more

DMPQ- What is Social Security?

Social sufferings such as poverty, unemployment and disease are the sound grounds for advocating the provisions of social security measures in India as national programme. Social security is a dynamic conception which is considered in all advanced countries of the world as an indispensable of the national programme with the development of the idea of … Read more

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