DMPQ- Throw a light on the origin of economic and political Crisis in pre emergency years.

. By the beginning of 1973 Indira Gandhi’s popularity began to decline. People’s expectations were unfulfilled. Little dent was being made in rural or urban poverty or economic inequality, nor was there any lessening of caste and class oppression in the countryside. The immediate provocation for the rising discontent was the marked deterioration in the … Read more

DMPQ- Describe how Indian Police is overburdened. Also mention the major lacks in police infrastructure in Indian police.

State police forces had 24% vacancies (about 5.5 lakh vacancies) in January 2016. Hence, while the sanctioned police strength was 181 police per lakh persons in 2016, the actual strength was 137 police. Note that the United Nations recommended standard is 222 police per lakh persons.  86% of the state police comprises of constabulary. Constables … Read more

DMPQ- What is Judicial Accountability? How has Judicial Accountabilty been ensured in Indian Constitution?

 Accountability is the core principle of any democracy. In our democracy it is only the executive and the legislature which is held accountable and not the judiciary. Judges are also public officials and hence should be made accountable.  It is essential to ensure accountability of the judges to ensure public confidence in the … Read more

DMPQ:Write down the objectives of padebharat and bhadebharat.

a) To enable children to become motivated, independent and engaged readers and writers with comprehension possessing sustainable and lasting reading and writing skills and achieve learnings level appropriate to the class of study. b) To make the children understand the reasoning in the domains of number, measurement and shapes, and enable them to become independent … Read more

DMPQ- Need of Emotional quotient is prerequisite for better administration and ultimately e governance. Suggest ways to improve EQ.

EQ is very important and the techniques to improve EQ are as follows: Sensitivity Training: Helps the person to known his limitations and how his limitations affect his interpersonal ties. Improve inter personal competence and social competence. Role Playing: Helps us understand challenges associated with other roles better. Harness and express his creativity. Helps in … Read more

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