Work power and energy

Work power and energy Work Work is a measure of energy transfer that occurs when an object is moved over a distance by an external force at least part of which is applied in the direction of the displacement. If the force is constant, work may be computed by multiplying the length of the path … Read more

Respiratory Quotien1

 Respiratory quotient: Carbohydrates, fats and protein The respiratory quotient (or RQ or respiratory coefficient), is a dimensionless number used in calculations of basal metabolic rate (BMR) when estimated from carbon dioxide production. It is calculated from the ratio of carbon dioxide produced by the body to oxygen consumed by the body. Such measurements, … Read more

Control And Coordination

 Control and coordination:Plants and animals All the living organisms respond and react to changes in the environment around them. The changes in the environment to which the organisms respond and react are called stimuli such as light, heat, cold, sound, smell, touch etc. Coordination in plants Coordination refers to ordered working of different … Read more

Endocrine Glands

 Endocrine glands: harmone and their function The endocrine system is made up of glands that produce and secrete hormones, chemical substances produced in the body that regulate the activity of cells or organs. These hormones regulate the body’s growth, metabolism (the physical and chemical processes of the body), and sexual development and function. … Read more

Scientific Water Harvasting

 Scientific Water Harvesting What is Water Harvesting It means capturing rain where it falls or capturing the run off in your own village or town. And taking measures to keep that water clean by not allowing polluting activities to take place in the catchment. Therefore, water harvesting can be undertaken through a variety … Read more

Tuberculosis Programme

 Tuberculosis Programme TB was declared as a global health emergency in 1993. In the same year, India established the RNTCP as a small pilot project. This project was scaled up nationwide between 1998–2006. The overall vision of RNTCP is “A TB free India”—a situation in which TB is no longer a major public … Read more

Variation In The Population In Various Countries

 Variation in the population in various countries The Growth of Human Population: Four Major Periods or Stages An early period of hunters and gatherers   This period ranges between the first evolutions of humans on this planet to the beginning of agriculture. During this period, it is estimated that the total population was … Read more

Properties And Applications Of Petroleum Products

 Properties and applications of petroleum products Gases Gaseous refinery products include hydrogen, fuel gas, ethane, propane, and butane. Most of the hydrogen is consumed in refinery desulfurization facilities, which remove hydrogen sulfide from the gas stream and then separate that compound into elemental hydrogen and sulfur; small quantities of the hydrogen may be … Read more

Biotechnology In Environmental Clean Up Process

 Biotechnology in environmental clean up process Landfill Technologies Solid wastes account for an increasing proportion of the waste generated by urban societies. While a part of this volume consists of glass, plastics, and other non-biodegradable material, a considerable proportion of this is made of decomposable solid organic material, like food wastes from large … Read more

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