Land Resources Management

 Land Resources Management Land and water have been the basic elements of life support system on our planet since the dawn of civilization. All great civilizations, flourished where these resources were available in plenty and they declined or perished with the depletion of these resources. In recent years, the land resource has been … Read more

NRHM, National HIV Programme

 NRHM, National HIV Programme NATIONAL RURAL HEALTH MISSION – THE VISION The National Rural Health Mission (2005-12) seeks to provide effective healthcare to rural population throughout the country with special focus on 18 states, which have weak public health indicators and/or weak infrastructure.  These 18 States are Arunachal Pradesh, Assam, Bihar, Chhattisgarh, Himachal … Read more

Bt Cotton

 Bt cotton Bt cotton is an insect-resistant transgenic crop designed to combat the bollworm. Bt cotton was created by genetically altering the cotton genome to express a microbial protein from the bacterium Bacillus thuringiensis. In short, the transgene inserted into the plant’s genome produces toxin crystals that the plant would not normally produce … Read more

Civilian And Military Uses Of Nuclear Energy

 Civilian and military uses of Nuclear energy Civilian uses Plant mutation breeding Plant mutation breeding is the process of exposing the seeds or cuttings of a given plant to radiation, such as gamma rays, to cause mutations. The irradiated material is then cultivated to generate a plantlet. Plantlets are selected and multiplied if … Read more

Nuclear Tech Terms, Radioactivity And Its Application

 Quick Revision ( SCIENCE SERIES, Art 2):   NUCLEAR TECHNOLOGY, RADIOACTIVITY and Its application     Nuclear technology: Nuclear technology is technology that involves the nuclear reaction of atomic nuclei. Among the notable nuclear technologies are nuclear reactors, nuclear medicine and nuclear weapons.   BASIC CONCEPTS: Nuclear energy: The energy produced due to changes … Read more

Exothermic And Endothermic Reactions.

 Endothermic Reactions Endothermic reactions are those chemical reactions where energy is absorbed by the system from the surroundings mostly in the form of heat. The concept is applied in the physical sciences like chemical reactions where hear is converted to chemical bond energy by way of experiments. Common examples of endothermic … Read more

Food Preservatives

 Food preservatives Food preservatives constitute a group of compounds of widely different molecular structures; they are organic and inorganic substances with different functional groups and tendencies to form ions. There are no procedures that are generally applicable to the analysis of preservatives as a class of food additive; the procedures are specific to … Read more

Instituitional Structure

   QUICK REVISION: Art 4, Institutional structure for Nuclear energy:   ATOMIC ENERGY COMMISSION: Governing body of the department of Atomic energy It is directly under the charge of the Prime Minister Set up on 10Aug, 1948 Function: Organise research in atomic science To train atomic scientist in the country To promote nuclear … Read more

Nanotechnology And Its Applications

 PSCNOTES- Science Updated Nanotechnology and its applications The concept “Nanotechnology” was first proposed by Richard Feynman on 29th December, 1959 in his talk entitled “There’s plenty of room at the bottom” at the California Institute of Technology. Deriving its name from the Greek word “dwarf” meaning small, nanotechnology is commonly defined as … Read more

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