Nuclear Reactors

 Nuclear reactors A nuclear reactor, formerly known as an atomic pile, is a device used to initiate and control a self-sustained nuclear chain reaction. Nuclear reactors are used at nuclear power plants for electricity generation and in propulsion of ships. Heat from nuclear fission is passed to a working fluid (water or gas), … Read more

Chemistry in daily life

Chemistry in daily life The principles of chemistry have been used for the benefit of mankind. Think of cleanliness  the materials like soaps, detergents, household bleaches, tooth pastes, etc. will come to our mind. Look towards the beautiful clothes, immediately chemicals of the synthetic fibres used for making clothes and chemicals giving colours to them … Read more

Matter In Our Surroundings

 Matter in our surroundings, Elements, Compounds, Mixtures Matter is any thing which has mass and occupies space. All solids, liquids and gases around us are made of matter. Scientist believe that matter is made of tiny particles that clump together. You cannot see these particles but you can see the matter, for example, … Read more

Efforts Of Government In Promoting Biotechnology In The Country

 Efforts of government in promoting biotechnology in the country DBT and Biotech parks The remarkable march of India into the world of biosciences and technological advances began in 1986. That year, government of india accepted the vision that unless India created a separate Department for Biotechnology, within the Ministry of Science and Technology, … Read more

Type Of Nuclear Reactors

   QUICK REVISION ( ARTICLE:3, SCIENCE): TYPE OF NUCLEAR REACTORS   COMPONENTS OF NUCLEAR REACTOR:   Fuel: Usually pellets of uranium oxide (UO2) arranged in tubes to form fuel rods. The rods are arranged into fuel assemblies in the reactor core   • Moderator: This is material which slows down the neutrons released … Read more

Biotechnology In Agriculture

 Biotechnology in agriculture For about 10,000 years , farmers have been improving wild plants and animals through the selection and breeding of desirable characteristics. This breeding has resulted in the domesticated plants and animals that are commonly used in crop and livestock agriculture. In the twentieth century, breeding became more sophisticated, as the … Read more

Types Of Asexual Reproduction

 Types of Asexual Reproduction Spores Some protozoans and many bacteria, plants and fungi reproduce via spores. Spores are structures naturally grown as part of an organism’s life cycle and designed for separation from the organism and dispersal via a medium such as air or water. When conditions are correct, the organism will release … Read more

Electric Transformers

 Electric transformers Electrical transformers are machines that transfer electricity from one circuit to another with changing voltage level but no frequency change. Today, they are designed to use AC supply, which means that fluctuation in supply voltage is impacted by the fluctuation in the current. So, an increase in current will bring about … Read more

Fast And Slow Chemical Reactions

 Slow reactions Chemical reactions that occur very slowly and can take a long time for completion are called slow reactions.  Usually covalent compounds are involved in slow reactions.Some reactions can take days, weeks and months to complete; they are called very slow reactions.For example, Milk may take several hours or a day to convert to curd, while it … Read more

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