DMPQ:What is Attitude? Write down the characteristics of attitude?

Attitudes are the complex combination of things we tend to call personality, beliefs,values, behaviours, and motivations. It can fall anywhere along a continuum from very favourable to very unfavourable. All people, irrespective of their status or intelligence, hold attitudes. Characteristics of Attitude: Enduring: Integral component of personality Acquired: Developed through socialisation. Subject-Object relationship: Objectification of … Read more

DMPQ- “Dr. Ambedkar gave the slogan of Educate, Agitate and Organize.” In your opinion, how this slogan is relevant today in the Empowerment of the Depressed Class?

Ambedkar’s Vision of Education Bhim Rao Ambedkar was an educational Pragmatist. His educational philosophy stresses the development of person and his environment. He was highly influenced by the John Dewey’s philosophy of education. He emphasized education as one of the basic need for human. According to him education is not only a ladder for social … Read more

DMPQ- Critical evaluate Urban naxalism or hoax ?

Urban Naxalism is a phenomenon where educated individuals living in cities provide legal and intellectual support to Naxalites. These individuals could be lawyers, professors, writers and activists who are not involved directly in Naxal activities. Some people claim that Urban naxals are the ‘invisible enemies’ of India, some of them have either been caught or … Read more

DMPQ- What is Regionalism and comment on the threat generated due to regionalism?

Regionalism is the expression of a common sense of identity and purpose by people within a specific geographical region, united by its unique language, culture, language, etc. In a positive sense, it encourages people to develop a sense of brotherhood and oneness which seeks to protect the interests of a particular region and promotes the … Read more

DMPQ: Government policies and schemes for the welfare of tribals have not borne the desired result. List down the causes of the ineffectiveness of the schemes and policies . Give some suggestions to improve their condition.

Tribal areas are defined as an island of extreme poverty. About 85% of the tribal people are living below poverty line and 48% are still illiterate. The causes are as follows: Inadequate implementation of Constitutional safeguards. Denial of participation to tribals in development process Lack of accountability : Tribal administration is still elusive from any … Read more

DMPQ: Spiritual tourism potential is largely untapped. Do you agree with the statement. Discuss the steps taken by the government to promote spiritual tourism.

Since the ancient times, India has been known as the Hub of several religions and practices. Hinduism, Islam, Christianity, Jainism, Sikhism are the most popular religions in India. There have been significant centers for all these religions which are the places for the communal worship and social harmony. The Kings who had been ruling the … Read more

DMPQ-Sangeet Natak Academy.

The Sangeet NatakAkademi – India’s national academy for music, dance and drama – is the first National Academy of the arts set-up by the Republic of India. It was created by a resolution of the (then) Ministry of Education, Government of India, dated 31 May 1952 notified in the Gazette of India of June 1952. … Read more

DMPQ- Concept of Total Revolution of Indian Society.

The germs of the concept of Total Revolution lie deeply embedded in Gandhi’s teachings to which Jayaprakash Narayan, the leader of Total Revolution turned as a result of his disillusionment with what might be called “conventional wisdom of revolution and conventional technique” of change. Total Revolution is a further extension of Gandhi’s thought on socio-economic … Read more

DMPQ-What was the status of society on the eve of Indian renaissance?

Society on the eve of Reform movements:   Depressing Social condition the condition of women was deplorable. The practice of sati came in for particular condemnation. The division of society according to birth resulting in the caste system was also criticized. The development of the Western culture and ideology forced the traditional institutions to revitalize themselves.  

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