06.04.21 Daily CGPSC (Chhattisgarh) Current Affairs


Seven Primary Health Centres win award

Seven primary health centres (PHCs) in Chhattisgarh have received the National Quality Assurance Certification (NQAC) Award, it was announced on Wednesday.

The awards were given by the Union Health and Family Welfare Ministry after a virtual evaluation of the PHCs.

The certification was provided after the health centres satisfied rigorous parameters related to services availability set by experts from the government of India.

Two PHCs (Surguja-Lundra and Raghunathpur) received the NQAC award. Likewise, Khadgavan in Korea district, Deorvija in Bemetara, Mandir Hasoud in Raipur, Rahod in Janjgir and Patewa in Mahasamund too got the awards.

For getting NQAC certification award, a PHC must score above 70 marks in evaluation. This nationwide evaluation was introduced to improve the service quality at PHCs. The PHCs are evaluated on the basis of an 8-point checklist.

NQAC judges a health centre mainly on service availability, cleanliness, CCTV camera and numbers of doctors. Other factors also play a role.




Global Gender Gap Index 2021 Key Facts


The World Economic Forum released the Global Gender Gap Report for the year 2021. India’s ranking on the index fell 28 places. Highlights:


Among the 156 countries in the index, India ranks 140th. As a result, India became the third worst performing country in South Asia.


According to the index, India has so far closed 62.5% of its gender gap. In 2020, India ranks 112th among 153 countries. The economic participation and opportunity sub-index also declined.


The report emphasized that India’s gender gap in this area has widened by 3% this year, resulting in a 32.6% reduction in the gap so far.


Most of the decline came from the political empowerment sub-index, with India falling by 13.5 percentage points. Female ministers dropped from 23.1% in 2019 to 9.1% in 2021).


One of the reasons for this decline is the decline in the female labor force participation rate, from 24.8% to 22.3%.


The proportion of women in professional and technical positions has also dropped to 29.2%. In senior and managerial positions, the proportion of women is also very low. Only 14.6% of these positions are held by women, and only 8.9% of companies are held by female senior managers.


In India, women earn only 1/5 of what men earn. This makes India rank among the top ten in the world on this indicator. Discrimination against women can also be seen in the statistics of the health and survival sub-index. So far, this gap has been reduced to 93.7%, and India ranks among the top five in this sub-index.


Among India’s neighbors, Nepal ranks 106th, Bangladesh ranks 65th, Afghanistan ranks 156th, Pakistan ranks 153th, Sri Lanka ranks 116th, and Bhutan ranks 130th.


World Cities Culture Forum – London


The Delhi’s Chief Minister will represent India and Delhi in the World Cities Cultural Forum (WCCF). The forum’s website has not yet announced the date for this year’s annual summit. Highlights:


WCCF was established in London in 2012. It has eight cities and a total of 43 member cities (including London, Hong Kong, Amsterdam, Edinburgh, Lisbon, San Francisco, Shanghai, etc.). Delhi was invited to participate this year, but it is not part of the member city.


It allows decision makers in member cities to share research and intelligence, and explore the important role of culture in their future prosperity.




Exercise SHANTIR OGROSHENA 2021 – Bangladesh


The Indian army participated in the multinational military exercise SHANTIR OGROSHENA in Bangladesh. About Ex Shantir Ogroshena:


The multinational military exercise ” SHANTIR OGROSHENA 2021″ (Front Runner of the Peace) will be held in Bangladesh to commemorate the “Father of the Nation” Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujipur Rah Mann’s 100th birthday.


The DOGRA Corps will participate in exercises with the Royal Bhutan Army, Sri Lanka Army and Bangladesh Army in April 2021.


The theme of this exercise is ” Robust Peace Keeping Operations.”


Throughout the exercise, military observers from the United States, Britain, Turkey, the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, Kuwait and Singapore will also attend.




Double Mutant Coronavirus Variant In India


A unique “double mutation” coronavirus variant was discovered in India, which contains mutations that are not seen anywhere else in the world. Highlights:


However, whether this will play any role in increasing infectivity or making COVID-19 more serious remains to be determined.


The genome sequencing of a part of the virus samples by a consortium of 10 laboratories in India (India SARS-CoV-2 Consortium on Genomics-INSACOG) showed that two mutations E484Q and L452R were simultaneously present in at least 200 virus samples.


The mutation of the virus itself is not surprising.


Mutations that eliminate the effects of vaccines or the immune system or increase the number of cases are causes of greater concern.


These two mutations have been individually identified in other variants of SARS-CoV-2 worldwide.



Launch of AIM-PRIME


In collaborations with BMGF and Venture Center, Atal Innovation Mission launched “AIM-PRIME”. Highlights:


AIM-PRIME (Program for Researchers on Innovations, Market-Readiness & Entrepreneurship) is a program that aims to promote and support science-based in-depth technology startups and venture in India.


It was initiated by the Atal Innovation Mission (AIM) in cooperation with the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation (BMGF). The plan will be implemented by the non-profit technology business incubator Venture Center.


The first batch of targets of the program are open to technology developers (early deep technology start-ups and scientists/engineers/clinicians) who have strong science-based deep technology business ideas. The program is also open to CEOs and senior incubator managers of Atal Incubation Centers funded by AIM, which provide support to deep-seated technology entrepreneurs.


The AIM-PRIME program is tailored specifically for the fast-growing deep-tech companies in India. It not only provides the necessary knowledge and support, but also provides due opportunities.


All India Survey on Migrant Workers


he Minister of Labor marked the field work of the “All India Migrant Workers and AQEES Survey”. Highlights:


All India Migrant Workers and AQEES Survey are the two of the five all-India surveys that the Labour Bureau will conduct this year.


All-India Quarterly Establishment based Employment Survey (AQEES) is one of the surveys.

About the Five All India Surveys:


All-India Survey on Domestic Workers (DW)


All-India Survey on Migrant Workers


All-India Survey on Employment Generated by Professionals


All-India Survey on Employment Generated in Transport Sector


All-India Quarterly Establishment based Employment Survey.


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