01.08.19 Chhattisgarh (CGPCS) Daily Current Affairs


  • Raipur airport fifth in India in service quality
  • In yet another feather in its cap, Swami Vivekananda Airport, Mana of Raipur has been ranked fifth in the country in Airport Service Quality (ASQ) survey. The airport based in the capital city of Chhattisgarh improved its position from 55th to 50th position in the world ranking in group of airports across the globe.


  • The Trivandrum and Ahmedabad has been tied with same points of 4.85 while Raipur has 4.78 to be placed in 50th rank in ASQ rating as per the difference in Quarter-II 2019 over Quarter-I 2019.


  • It is informed that the ranking of the AAI airports average is 4.64 while world average is 4.24.


  • In the second quarter (April-June) 2019, out of the 24 AAI airports in the country, Mangalore Airport with 4.86 highest ASQ     rating has been placed in 40th position while Raipur has been placed in 50th position.



  • London named worlds best student city in new rankings


  • London named the world’s best city for students. According to the rankings, India’s best student city is Bengaluru at 81st. It is followed by Mumbai (85th) and Delhi at 113 and Chennai at 115. There are a total of 120 cities in the list. This report is released for the second consecutive year. London beat Tokyo and Melbourne and came second and third respectively on new worldwide rankings.
  • The QS Best Student Cities ranking was done by global education consultancy QSQuacquarelli Symonds. It mainly highlights each city’s performance across different categories. The number of Indians moving to London for higher studies rose by 20% in 2017-18. They marked an increase from 4,545 in 2016-17 to 5,455 in the fiscal year 2017-18. The numbers are below the mark than could be achieved considering India’s vast student base. The Top 10 in QS Best Student Cities Ranking 2019 are listed below.


  • Infosys launches Cyber Defence Center in Romania


  • Infosys announced the launch of its state-of-the-art Cyber Defence Centerin Bucharest, Romania.The Defence Center is an expansion of services delivered through Infosys Digital Innovation Center which opened in Bucharest.
  • They will provide end-to-end, real-time, 24/7 cyber security monitoring and protection services to support European and global businesses on their digital transformation journey. They including security monitoring, management and remediation, threat hunting, security analytics, incident discovery, and response will be delivered by certified and highly skilled cyber security professionals. The services offered comply with country-specific regulatory requirements.


  • Cabinet approves ISRO Technical Liaison Unit at Moscow


  • Cabinet has given nod to the setting up of ISRO Technical Liaison Unit (ITLU) at Moscow in Russia.
  • The unit will collaborate with Space agencies and industries in Russia and neighbouring countries for mutually synergetic outcomes.


  • ITLU will also support the ongoing bilateral programmes of cooperation in space technology and act on behalf of ISRO.


  • The Cabinet also approved MoU between ISRO and the Bolivian Space Agency on Cooperation in the exploration and use of outer space for peaceful purposes.


  • Rajya Sabha passed the triple talaq Muslim Women Protection of Rights on Marriage Bill


  • The Rajya Sabhapassed the triple talaq Muslim Women (Protection of Rights on Marriage) Bill, 2019. The bill makes the declaration of triple talaq means the police can arrest an accused without a warrant. It is the government’s attempt to protect the rights of married Muslim women.


  • The Bill makes the instant triple talaq a criminal offence. It provides a jail term to a Muslim man for the crime that prohibits divorce by pronouncing talaq thrice in one go.


  • If the woman misuses the law, the man should have theright to appeal.


  • The Bill makes declaration of talaq a cognizable offence, attracting up to three years’ imprisonment with a fine.


  • Rajya Sabha passed the IBC amendment Bill


  • The Rajya Sabha approved the amendments to the Insolvency and Bankruptcy Code (IBC). Insolvency and Bankruptcy Code (Amendment) Bill, 2019 provides clarity about preference to secured lenders over operational creditors.


  • The amendments gives a loan defaulting companyexplicit authority over the distribution of proceeds of an auction in the resolution process.
    With reference to the IBC, it has fixed a firm timeline of 330 days for resolving cases.


  • Rajya Sabha passed the Banning of Unregulated Deposit Schemes Bill


  • TheRajya Sabha has passed the Banning of Unregulated Deposit Schemes Bill, 2019. The Bill aims to introduce a mechanism that will curb the ponzi schemes. It will protect the interest of depositors. The Bill was passed by the Lok Sabha on July 24, 2019. The Bill will now replaced the Ordinance promulgated on February 21, 2019.
  • The bill curb the menace ofillicit deposit-taking activities in the country. It provides strict administrative measures to dupe gullible people of their hard-earned savings.
  • Under the Bill, thecentre and state is allowed to frame rules
    The Bill ensures to protect the genuine businesses or individuals who borrow money from their relatives or friends for personal reasons or to tide over a crisis.


  • Cabinet nod to increasing SC judges from 31 to 34


  • Against the backdrop of rising cases in the Supreme Court, the Union cabinet on Wednesday approved increasing the number of judges in the top court from the present 30 to 33, excluding the chief justice of India.


  • The Supreme Court (Number of Judges) Act, 1956 was last amended in 2009 to increase the judges’ strength from 25 to 30 (excluding the CJI).


  • The Supreme Court (Number of Judges) Act, 1956 originally provided for a maximum of ten judges (excluding the CJI).


  • This number was increased to 13 by the Supreme Court (Number of Judges) Amendment Act, 1960, and to 17 in 1977. In 1986, the strength of the top court was increased to 25.

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