08-09.05.21 Daily [Chhattisgarh] CGPSC Current Affairs

Chhattisgarh Affairs

At 3%, Chhattisgarhs joblessness much less than national average of 10%: Govt

Citing a report by Center for Monitoring Indian economy (CMI), the said thatChhattisgarhs Unemployment rate at 3%, is much less than the national Average of 10.8%.

The report shows that with 3%, Chhattisgarhs unemployment rate is much less than that of Haryana, Goa, Delhi, Jharkhand, Rajasthan, Bihar, Himachal Pradesh, Jammu and Kashmir, Andhra Pradesh,Maharashtra, Punjab, Telangana, Uttar Pradesh, Uttarakhand, West Bengal, Kerala and Tripura.

Works were allotted under Mahatma Gandhi National Rural EMPLOYMENT Guarantee Scheme in response to the demands coming from less affected rural areas in the state. Forestry and tendu leaf collection is also being done in the forest areas.

According to TRIFED data, minor forest produce worth Rs 181 crore 25 lakhs was procured in the country at minimum support price in the financial year 2020-21 and minor forest produce worth Rs 136.63 crore was procured in Chhattisgarh alone. Similarly, more than two-thirds of the target of 11.44 lakh standard bags of Tendu leaves has been collected in Chhattisgarh so far. Around 13 lakh families get employment due to Tendu Leaves collection in the state. The wage rate for tendu leaf collection has been increased from Rs 2500 thousand to Rs 4000 thousand in the state.

According to the latest data released by the Center for Monitoring Indian Economy (CMIE) in the month of May, the unemployment rate stood at 35.5% in Haryana, 28% in Rajasthan, 27.3% in Delhi, 25.7% in Goa, 17.3% in Tripura, 16.5% in Jharkhand, 11.5% in Bihar , 11.4% in Jammu and Kashmir, 11% in Himachal Pradesh, 7.6% in West Bengal, 7.5% in Kerala, 6.3% in Uttar Pradesh, 6% in Uttarakhand, 5.5% in Maharashtra, 5.3% in Punjab, 5% in Telangana, 4.9% in Andhra Pradesh.

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