DMPQ- What do you mean by Inclusive growth? What are the salient features of Inclusive Growth?

Growth is inclusive when:

  1. It takes place in the sectors in which the poor work (e.g. agriculture);
  2. Occurs in places where the poor live (e.g. undeveloped areas with few resources);
  3. Uses the factors of production that the poor possess (e.g. unskilled labour);
  4. Reduces the prices of consumption items that the poor consume (e.g. food, fuel and clothing).

Salient features of Inclusive Growth are as follows:

  1. People are able to participate fully in economic life and have greater say over their future. People are able to access and participate in markets as workers, consumers and business owners.
  2. All segments of society, especially poor or socially disadvantaged groups, are able to take advantage of these opportunities.
  3. An economy is increasingly producing enough goods and services to enable broad gains in well-being and greater opportunity.
  4. Economic and social wealth is sustained over time, thus maintaining intergenerational well-being.


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