DMPQ: Raja Ram mohanroy was the maker of Modern India. Discuss. 

Raja Ram mohanroy was the social reformer, educationist, intellectual who tried to bring elements of for gone Indian values and elements of modernisation like liberty, freedom etc. He tried to create a synthesis of thought of east and west.

RMY was a supporter of equality between men and women. He said that women must be given the right of inheritance. According to him social equality of women will ensure economic equality. He was the first to raise issues  of women in India. He was agains sati pratha. He tried to convince british administration to ban it by bringing a laeagains it.

He was a supporter of Modern education. He was of the opinion that modern education can bring transformational change. He extended full support to David hare for establishing Hindu college. He established Vedanta college in 1825.

He wanted everyone to inculcate the habit of rational thinking He propagated his ideas via publishing journal like sambadkaumadi and mirat ul akbar. He was the supporter of Britishers because they brought modern culture . But, he was not blind supporter. He defied government when Britishers tried to curb freedom of press.



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