General Studies-VI

Detailed Notes for CGPCS Mains Paper VI Aptitude

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Detailed topicwise Chhattisgarh Mains GK Notes for CGPCS Mains Exam Aptitude are provided for free browsing. Chhattisgarh (CGPCS) Mains Notes Aptitude are designed by CGPCS Toppers and other civil servants. Detail Notes can be browsed at the following links.

Section-1: Number System
Rational Numbers – Addition, subtraction, multiplication and division of rational numbers. Finding the rational number between two rational number. Ratio and Proportion – definition, properties, aterments, inuertends, componendo, etc. and their uses. Simultaneous equation, (a + b) (a + b), (a – b) (a – b), (a + b) (a – b) related quetions. Arithmetic progression – Definition, general(n th) term and sum of n terms, arthmetic mean. Commercial Mathematics – Banking, calculation of interest on/in savings account, fixed deposit account and recurring deposit account. Calculation of income tax (for salaried person and excluding house rent allowance). Factorization, LCM and HCM.
SECTION 03 -Mathematics
Section 3 – Computer Binary digit system, change in binary number to decimal number and decimal number to binary number. Algorithm method – meaning and quality, indefinate, definate, input and output, effectiveness. Averages – arithmatic, geomatric and harmonic meance, median, mode, pie-chart. Probability. Vedic Mathematic, additional, subtraction, multiplication, devision and checking the answer – square, square roots, cube roots, vinculam and its application, the application of vedic mathematics methods in algebra. Introduction and contribution of Indian Mathematition (Aryabhata, Varaha mihira, Brahma gupta, Bhaskaracharya, Shrinivas Ramanujan).
SECTION 04 -Data Analysis
Section 4 – Data Analysis – Mathematical operation Basic numeracy (numbers and their relations, orders of magnitude etc.), Data interpretation (charts, graphs, tables, data sufficiency etc.) and analysis of data. Applied mathematics – Profit and Loss, Percentage, Interest and averages. Time, speed, distance, river and boat.
SECTION 05 -Logical Reasoning
Section 5 – Logical Resonant – Analog Test, Odd word, Odd pair of words, Coding & Decoding Test, Relation Test, Alphabet Test, Mathematical Operations, Logical analysis of words, Inserting the missing number or word, Assertion and Reason, Situation reaction test, Figure series, Deletion of elements, General Mental ability

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